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I am trying to use email activity with specific personas (Executive Buyers & Champions) as the qualifying action in one of our health scorecard measure groups. However, I am running into some challenges trying to only count the customer’s response towards the scorecard measure group, not the emails being sent by the CSM to the customer.

For context, our CSMs use the Gmail Gainsight plugin to log emails to a customer’s timeline.

The end objective: only count customer email replies towards our health scorecard measure group.

We currently count email activity logged with contacts who are labeled as either the Executive Buyer or as the Champion towards our health scorecard measure group. The challenge we’re facing - there isn’t a way to only count email replies FROM the customer towards the health score.

This means that a CSM could send out any number of emails to their customer which could go unanswered and each email the CSM sends would count towards that customer’s health score. This results in a false positive where the customer’s engagement score looks healthy, but in reality the customer hasn’t responded to any of the emails being sent by the CSM.

Is there a easy way to address this?

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