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At our company, we use Company Teams and R360s for CSMs to manage their portfolio. We’re looking for some guidance on how other companies handle PTO or OOO when they usually would not be able to see another CSM’s BOB. 

We would like for CSMs on the same team to be able to cover other CSMs’ accounts, such as update CTAs/Tasks, add Timeline Activities, and etc., if their assigned CSM is out of office for any reason. 

Thank you!

@jessicatang point of clarification - do you have permissions set so that CSMs can fundamentally not see accounts on which they are not a CSM? 

Either way, what I have done in the past is created a Temporary CSM or Secondary CSM sort of field, which can be always populated based on the Company Team or simply as needed. You can give permissions to this value as well, if the answer to my first question was yes. The thing to keep in mind here is that you will want an additional global Dashboard filter as well as Cockpit View, and even train on how users can create their own Timeline view (since we can’t do it for them) to see the coverage portfolio. Keep in mind Dashboard filters do not have filter logic, so you will have to train them on using CSM filter or Temp CSM filter. GS Home allows for logic. 

Another idea is storing the Company Team in a custom object that is referenced on the Company object and approaching it this route. Not as simple but more scalable and probably preferred from an admin perspective. 

Hope this is helpful!

@gunjanm Thank you so much! We do have the permissions set so that CSMs cannot see accounts where they are not the CSM.


Some of our CSMs have hundreds or close to thousands of accounts. Can you automate the population of a field like Temporary CSM or Secondary CSM? 

@jessicatang yes - you would have to design a solution internally and I would suggest doing it in a similar approach as how you assign CSMs today, e.g. if in SFDC, do it in there also. 
