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Is there an easy way to transfer one CSM’s portfolio to another CSM?

Someone in our team is leaving, so her portfolio is being transferred to a new starter, but there are 900+ accounts in her name, so doing this manually is not feasible. 


How can I do this in bulk? It isn’t particularly made very clear.


Thank you!

Good question @mattjay98.

There are (at least) two areas to consider.

First, there’s reassigning customers from the departing CSM to the new CSM. At some companies, that’s done in Salesforce or some other system outside Gainsight, then those changes are synced in to Gainsight. If your source of truth is outside Gainsight, then you may need help from that tool, though nearly any CRM will support a bulk update. Depending on your config, you may be able to write a rule to made that update in Salesforce.

At other companies, Gainsight is the system of record, and the change is made directly in Gainsight. In that scenario, you can write a rule to identify all customers who have been assigned to the departing CSM, and issue an Load to Company action to update the CSM to the new CSM.

Second, there’s re-assigning any open CTAs/Tasks from the departing CSM to the new CSM, as that will not automatically occur even if you update the CSM at the company level. For that, you can use Mass Edit to identify all the CTAs which need to be transferred.

Good luck, and come back with how you’re faring, and any new questions that come up.

Excellent, thank you for the advice.


I imagined a rule would be the best bet, but wanted to double check…

We have recently moved our CSM team off of Salesforce, hence the need to now do this in Gainsight (as before, you are right, we were able to assign them en masse in SF). 

I’ll create a rule and run it once to transfer them over after a little bit of testing. 


Cheers for the heads up on the CTA/Tasks- mass edit should come in handy for this.

I’ll return if I have any queries!

Thank you :) 
