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R360 as a User 360 ( relationship 360 not showing multiple records)

  • 27 May 2020
  • 3 replies

Our users need their own 360 and timeline, so trying to create an R360 under a Company object which is our own internal account.


Since the Company ID field is blank for all of our users and cannot be updated, i tried to create an  ID field within the relationship object and configure the associated object by mapping this ID field on the relationship object with an custom id field within the user object which has a lookup to the ID field on the Company record of our internal account.


So when I search for our own internal account, it shows the relationship 360 but doesnt show multiple records (1 per user). Am i missing something? Shouldnt each user have their own 360 now since its a master detail relationship between the internal company account and all the users which belong to it?

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

@bayareaguy - were you able to get this to work? I see you comment is a month old. 


Were you able to get the R360s to show the users?

Userlevel 2

@bayareaguy - I want to make sure, if I understood your requirement correctly. You want to have a separate relationship for each of your user on your internal company record. For instance, say you have 10 CSMs, you need to have 10 relationship cards in your internal company’s C360 > Relationship section. Is my understanding correct here? Would you need this only for your internal company record or for all the companies in your instance?

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

I think think the use case you just proposed is possible to build @muralikrishnagopu. There might be some issues with ID mapping. 


i tried to create an  ID field within the relationship object and configure the associated object by mapping this ID field on the relationship object with an custom id field within the user object which has a lookup to the ID field on the Company record of our internal account.


@bayareaguy - you shouldn’t have to create a new Company ID field on the Relationship object. What you will need to do is push all user details to the relationship object using a rule. Once all the data is listed on the Relationship correctly, it will show up as a relationship under the company. 


