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I need help building a report on our Digital Executive Check-Ins that were sent out last week via JO.  

I’m not sure exactly what fields in GS will give me that data.  We want to be able to see when the email was sent, to what account, csm name and if they responded.

Any help is greatly appreciated:)



Nice question, @MelissaC

You can get to most of this using the MDA Object titled Email Log v2. In the Show Me section, add

  • Sent Date
  • Company ID > Name
  • Company Person ID > Person ID > Name (optional, but may be helpful to know which individual was targeted)
  • From Name (not guaranteed to be the CSM, but will detail which individual was the sender)
  • Number of Opens (optional, but helps you understand if email was opened, and how many times)
  • Link Clicked Count (optional, but helps you understand if any links were clicked, and how many times)


  • Email Template Name (presuming you used a specific Template, so you can isolate this particular template from any other email being sent)

I don’t know any route to determining if someone responded, as that’s not tracked out of the box. The only circuitous route that might be available is if your CSMs add any responses to the Timeline themselves with a specific Subject or using a specific Activity Timeline type. You might then be able to stitch that back to your email send using Data Designer. That’s going to be a tricky road; doable, but tricky.


This was so helpful, thank you so much @matthew_lind !!!

@matthew_lind Ok, so now here is my next question or questions I should say haha…

How to report on what emails have been sent by client, by quarter?  How do we track by which Account Executive they came from and how do we do follow up emails?  Then how do we track response rates that come back from the check-ins?  Are there ways to get to this level from using Journey Orchestrator?


A couple ideas….and a couple gotchas.

  • Knowing your end goal or outcome will influence the suggestions. What are you attempting to accomplish or learn with these new reports?
  • The Email Log v2 object is your friend. It traps email sent from several of Gainsight’s most utilized areas, including Digital Journey (fka Journey Orchestrator), Email Assist, etc.
  • Within that object, play around with “Group By” for Sent Date, Company ID > Name, From Name and other fields.
  • You can find some of this data in your Digital Journey analytics, though that will cover only JO, which can be an issue if you’re sending email from other GS functions. Also, though many times folks want to break away from the prefab reports and dashboards within in favor of utilizing Email Log v2 to (1) trap those other GS functional areas and (2) customize their own reporting.
  • Responses, or replies from your customer, will be very hard to track, as Gainsight doesn’t support responses via email natively. You can track bounces, opens and link clicks with “out of the box” functionality.

Hi @MelissaC 

For tracking responded emails: my best recommendation is always to look at timeline entries of type = Email and title CONTAINS JO Email Subject Name.. Don’t ever use “EQUALS Re: Subject Name”, because some regions will have different versions of “RE”. For example, Sweden uses “SV:”.

It relies on your team to log them to timeline, but hopefully they already have the habit. It also saves you creating custom timeline entry types or dropdowns for timeline fields...

Hey @matthew_lind can you go into more detail on how this:

The only circuitous route that might be available is if your CSMs add any responses to the Timeline themselves with a specific Subject or using a specific Activity Timeline type. You might then be able to stitch that back to your email send using Data Designer. That’s going to be a tricky road; doable, but tricky.

Thank you!!!

@MelissaC , this one is very hacky, so proceed with caution. And I’m making a big assumption that you’re using Gmail or Outlook.

What I would likely do is:

  1. Add a custom field to your Activity Timeline object, perhaps a Boolean field, so that your Gainsight users can denote when a Timeline entry represents an in-scope response. (One-time event)
  2. Have your CSMs use the Gainsight Assist plug-in to sync emails to Timeline. (Every time)
  3. Once that Timeline entry is created, the Gainsight User then goes back into the Timeline entry and completes the custom field to denote this is a response. (Every time)

Your CSMs wouldn’t even have to complete Step #2 because they could manually create Timeline Entries and complete the custom field manually as well. However, syncing using Gainsight Assist automates at least this step of the process.

@alizee makes a great suggestion as well. If you know the subject line of your outbound email, your CSMs can complete Step #2 above, and then you can count the number of inbound entries which CONTAIN that Subject line. (Use CONTAINS, because the email reply might prefix with Re: or Fwd:)


The custom field, manual though it may be, guarantees the Timeline entry counts toward the measures @MelissaC is seeking to tally. 
