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We are struggling to add “between” as an option for filtering out reports based on the Local date filter widget. Between is available as an option on the global filter but not in the local filter. This is confusing for our end users. Is there a way to add between as an option or any available workaround?

The only workaround I can think of is to have 2 date fields on the report (like start date and end date). Then apply a > filter to one and a < filter to the other.

The only workaround I can think of is to have 2 date fields on the report (like start date and end date). Then apply a > filter to one and a < filter to the other.

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for getting back to me. However, when I try adding the same field twice on the report, it throws an error of duplicate fields and won’t let me move ahead.

My suggestion was to add 2 different date fields and use their combined forces to get the date range you are looking for.


For example:

Start Date >= Jan 2022


End Date <= March 2022

… this would behave similar to between Jan 2022 and March 2022


This solution would require that you have 2 date fields to begin with.

Thanks. However, we only have 1 date field that we wish to use as between those. We cannot use 2 date fields. This won’t be useful for us until they add the between option as a local date filter.

I would recommend reposting this as an Idea so it might be picked up and considered.

Thanks Rachel. Looks like there was an idea posted already that I upvoted: 

