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My company is starting to use Real World Data, so I was hoping to get any advice on how to build a report on this..

What object would I report on, etc?  

Thanks so much!

Hi @MelissaC 

The object you would report depends on where you will store that real world data… if that data is in an upstream system that’s connected, you might use data designer. If you import it into Gainsight, you’ll report on whatever object or set of objects you store it in.

I assume you’ll want to correlate that real world data with some kind of customer information or insights. The architecture required (DD, data management or otherwise) very much depends on what you want to achieve with the data. 

A little more information in your ask would be helpful to give you the right prompts.


Hi @alizee I appreciate your response!  I am still finding out more info myself, so once I have more, I will reach back out.


@alizee Would we be able to report on the key phrase “RWD” if it was in a timeline entry?  Leadership wants to see the amount of accounts interested in RWD…  If so, how would I capture that key term?


@alizee Would we be able to report on the key phrase “RWD” if it was in a timeline entry?  Leadership wants to see the amount of accounts interested in RWD…  If so, how would I capture that key term?


As @alizee mentioned it’s hard to give guidance with so little information and context as to what you want to capture. Is RWD a product your company offers? Is it a type of Data you’re bringing into Gainsight?

It sounds like this is maybe a product your company offers. Are there specific meetings where RWD is discussed? How is the fact RWD discussed being captured? Subject of the entry? A specific meeting type? Just in the notes?


If it’s already being done somewhere, it will be important to understand how standard that process is, and how easily it can be reported on. You may need to standardize the process by which the information is captured and develop a process to accurately capture it.


Things to consider:

  • Is this the only product that is discussed?
  • Will leadership at some point want to see mention of other products?
  • Should you be able to capture mention of more than one product at once?
  • If the goal is to capture which customers are interested in RWD/a product, is that the same or different than merely discussing it?
    • If actual interest is different than discussing it, then it will be important to be able to define the difference, and have that accurately captured in your process (or processes)
