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Im observing an error - Rules upgrade is in progress. Please refresh after sometime -  when i navigate to Rules Engine from Administration.

I'm not able to use the rules engine because of this

Has anybody seen this error before and what does it actually mean and how can i resolve this so that i can start using the rule engine again
Hi Lokesh,

  From Gainsight ver 5.4, we are migrating the rules from salesforce to MDA. When you opened the rules page, this action has got triggered. But when the user who authorized MDA doesn't have 'Gainsight Standard' permission set assigned, it cannot execute certain tasks to complete the migration and you end up seeing the message.

You need to assign the permission set and re-trigger the migration. If you are in the latest version, you can simply refresh the page to trigger the migration again.
Hi Anton,

Thanks for your suggestion on this. 

While i can check and get the PS assigned to the user, can you pls let me know how to i perform the re-trigger of migration process if im not on the latest version

I'm lacking some permissions to check what version of gainsight is deployed


Hi Lokesh,

  In that case it needs to be triggered from back end, You can raise a support ticket to get that done.
Hi Anton,

GS support has now helped me to solve the issue and they have performed the required migration from backend

Thanks again for your help


