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We are relatively new to Gainsight CX and have just begun to start launching our first email tech touches in JO. A few of our journeys have 100% deliverability but a few of our other ones really struggle and were receiving nearly 50% bounce rates. I am just hoping to get some insight on what may be the issue for these ones. Is it purely content based? (ie: subject line and copy needs to be better) or is it potentially something else. Contact list should be very clean as it is only for our direct contact with the client who would be receiving all regular comms from the CSM all year. This email is designed to be sent from the same CSM’s email address. I believe our DNS settings are set up properly. We have had much better success launching auto email touchpoints out of PX and I am curious if we would be better off taking all of our journeys into PX and either going with in-app notifications or email from PX. Would love to get some thoughts from more experienced folks! TIA!

Here’s a link to some best practices for improving email deliverability.
