Timeline API Article is Now Available!

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@chris1 You need not provide all the attributes provided in the sample request. Please modify the request as per your activity_timeline object. Please try with standard fields like “contextname”, “GsCompanyId” , “AuthorId” under “Select” attribute in payload. And also make sure you provide correct value for “ExternalId”.

@smitha bhanoori how can I find the value for the ExternalId for a Timeline Activity. I’m not finding it in the UI anywhere.

@chris1 You can create a report using Report Builder on “Activity Timeline” object to see the external Id.

@smitha bhanoori is it possible to query all externalid that are associated with a particular company?

@smitha bhanoori I created the report but External ID is null for all my timeline entries. How are these ids populated?

@chris1 External ID will be available only for the activities being created using Timeline APIs. Any activity which is created from Global timeline , C360 and R360 pages will have External ID as null.


You can apply the filter in report builder to fetch records for a company. 


@smitha bhanoori I see, so is it possible to use an API to read timeline activities that were created in GS directly?

@chris1 Yes, it is possible to read using POST: READ API to read timeline activities, and example is already provided in Timeline API article.

@smitha bhanoori how can that be when External ID is required and the External ID is Null for activities created from the Global Timeline?
