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Unified Scorecard Fact Reporting: Tips for Beginners

  • 27 September 2023
  • 1 reply

The Unified Scorecard Fact objects can be very useful in reporting, but they take some time to get familiar with when you’re starting out. I’ve pulled together some of the important things to know when building a report with this data. I also walk through a sample use case and show an example report.


Tip 1: There will be a row for each Measure, Measure Group, and Rollup. The “Level Type” field under the Measure Id lookup clarifies which of those three each row is for.


Tip 2: This object includes both active and inactive rows. Inactive rows are for items that no longer apply to that company or relationship. There is an “Active” field at the top level and also under each Lookup.


Tip 3: The “Prior Score” shows whatever the second most recent value was, even if the score was changed multiple times in quick succession. Look at the Account Scorecard History object to see a weekly and monthly snapshot of scores.


Tip 4: “Modified Date” and “Score Modified At” are two date fields that are triggered by different actions, as documented in our guide.


Use Case Example:

Let’s say a new CSM wants to run a report on the scores for the first client they’ve been assigned. When they first look at the fields stored on the Unified Scorecard Fact - Company object, they are surprised to see that it is largely used to store lookups to other tables. There are no scores, measure labels, or company names stored at the top level. In order to build out the report, they are going to need to use the lookups to add in the fields and filters they want to use in their report. Under the Company Id lookup, they add the “Name” field and update how the field displays for clarity. They see multiple rows returned for a single company. To start to clean this up, the CSM adds a filter on the top level “Active” field. They now see fewer rows than before. Using the Measure Id lookup, they add the Level Type field. They can now see which rows are associated with either a Measure, Measure Group, or Rollup. They add a filter for Level Type = Group because they are only interested in data at that level. Under the Current Score Id lookup, they add Label and Name to the report and adjust the display values. They add another filter for Current score Id → Active = yes. Now they see scores, but they must add additional fields in order to understand what the scores are for. Under the Measure Id lookup they add the Name field and adjust how the field displays in the report for clarity. They also add a filter for Measure Id → Active = yes. They want to know how recently the scores were updated, so they add the Score Modified At field as well.



They now have a report that shows the scores across all Measure Groups for their assigned client. They have filtered it so only active data is displayed, and the Rollups and individual Measure scores are hidden. From this base report, they can add and remove fields as well as adjust the Level Type filter to see different views of this client’s scorecard data. They decide that to review the history of this account, they will build a different report using the Account Scorecard History object so they can track the score over the past year, looking at the monthly snapshots.


Are there any tips I didn’t mention when it comes to reporting with these objects?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Yea, I would say there is a pretty big caveat when it comes to NA scores:

Let’s say you have Customer A who just got assigned the scorecard you rolled out last week.

That measure is NA as no value has yet been assigned to that customer.

If you build a report and want to see that NA it will NOT show up as a row for that customer in the report.

If you go to the Scorecard Widget section of scorecard reports in this same scenario, if you add that measure to a mass edit report, it also won’t show up.

However, let’s say in this scenario Overall Score is Green. If you ALSO add that to your mass edit report, suddenly that other measure will show up as NA on that report.
