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Hello team,
We use embeded pages in Gainsight - this is really powerful to have all our tools in Gainsight.
However, there is a lack of some simple functionalities - could you add them ?

- enable clipboard in the iframe (cf
- enable google authentication in the iframe (you need to set-up iframe cross-origin policy)
- enable my company oidc connection with redirection in the iframe (you need to add my company authentication server to your iframe cross-origin policy)

Be sure this little update on your side will have huge impact on ours.



@marc.davoust This might be a product enhancement request and would need to be converted to an idea if that’s the case. Maybe @anirbandutta can help, if that’s what you’re going for?

Yes if you could list out the usecase, any screenshots etc of what is missing… I can convert it to an idea Marc.
