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Dear Gainsight Community,


I hope everyone is doing great! Today, I'd like to initiate a discussion on how we can use Gainsight to proactively identify and resolve issues reported by edge servers. I believe this topic holds immense potential for improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, and I'm excited to learn from your experiences and success stories.


As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, edge servers play a critical role in collecting and processing real-time data from IoT devices and various endpoints. However, ensuring smooth operations and timely issue resolution at the edge can be challenging.


That's where Gainsight comes in. By leveraging its powerful capabilities, we can potentially monitor and analyze the data collected by edge servers to identify anomalies, trigger alerts, and take proactive measures to address issues before they escalate.


I'd love to hear from those who have already implemented or are exploring this approach. Some questions to consider:


How are you using Gainsight to monitor and analyze data from edge servers?

What specific metrics or patterns do you track to detect potential issues at the edge?

Are there any customizations or automations you've implemented to enhance the proactive issue identification process?

How does Gainsight help you prioritize and route issues to the right teams for timely resolution?

What kind of impact have you observed since adopting this proactive approach? Any success stories to share?

Have you encountered any challenges or limitations while implementing this strategy, and how did you overcome them?

Whether you're in the early stages of exploration or have already achieved tangible results, your insights can be incredibly valuable to others in the community. Feel free to share your thoughts, use cases, tips, and any resources or best practices that have helped you along the way.


Let's use this thread as a platform for collaborative learning and discussion to harness the true potential of Gainsight for proactive issue identification and resolution in the context of edge servers.


Looking forward to hearing from all of you!


Best regards,

Jessica Shepherd

Interesting topic Jessica. Mind telling us which Gainsight feature are you referring to?
