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Hello GS Community!

I’m wondering if anyone has a similar use case to what I’m trying to achieve. 

Essentially, I’m setting up a Program to invite users to sign up to a virtual event (this is the first time using JO for this). The way that we do this now is include a link to a form to register, which asks for basic information (name, email etc.) and then we follow up manually en-masse. 

However, my thinking is that this information is readily available in GS. Therefore, what I’d like to achieve, possibly by use of Surveys, is to include a button in the Email Template, along the lines of “Click Here to Register”, which would then allow us to capture registrations and also send out a follow up email as part of the journey including the link to the event. 

Has anyone had any success doing anything similar?

We’ve stopped doing this now but we were previously.

We would have a main JO for sending out the event invites with, for example, three different time/date options. We’d then have another JO program which sourced participants from the relevant survey object to send confirmation emails with calendar attachments specific to the date/time they chose in the survey.

You could potentially avoid having to source the survey object for confirmation emails by using events instead
