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Hello! I’m working on a voice of the customer aspect to our health scores - wanting to add customer sentiment. I’m planning to leverage Gainsight surveys to do so and considering something very simple: 1 question to rate us with a open text box to allow comments (similar to NPS). I would greatly appreciate anyone sharing what you’re doing around capturing customer sentiment and how you’re bringing that into your health scores. TIA!

@donnamcnamara We capture sentiment in a couple of different ways to include in our health score.  We have 3 measures related to surveys - NPS and our Support team uses CSAT and CES.  We also have a manually updated CSM Sentiment. For both NPS and CSAT, we look at the responses over the last 6 months, and for CSAT we calculate the number of negative responses out of the total surveys sent.  For CES, we use the traditional CES calculation.  Happy to share more detail if needed.

@donnamcnamara, We are also capturing sentiments in a few different ways. One in particular is a monthly sentiment that is updated by our CSM team on the account. This answers the question of how the CSM feels the relationship is with the customer and this measure can override other metrics if negative.

An example of this would be all our data led metrics point to a green overall healthscore of the customer. The CSM understands the customer is really unhappy about something we don’t have data for and drops the sentiment to yellow or red. This would carry a heavy weight to the overall score and show a drop even though none of our data metrics point to that.

@heather_hansen and @pope1chase - do either of you have a matrix or something to share with CSMs as a guide on how to rate the CSM sentiment/relationship? If so, would you mind sharing?

Nothing specific, but we’ve used the following as a guide to scoring:


Red - Negative relationship at risk

Yellow - Neutral relationship with opportunity for improvement

Green - Positive partnering relationship

@donnamcnamara Pretty extensive. So, we have fields on Timeline activities where they can select the sentiment, and the color they choose, filters the list accordingly.  Then, we have a rule that pushes that to our health score. 


We do the same as Pope (CSM Sentiment overwrites other metrics depending on different criteria.
Thank you @heather_hansen for sharing your experience! I really like the detailed explanation of each tier.

Thanks @heather_hansen and @pope1chase - great info!!
