
What ID in not supported in Programs or Rules

  • 15 October 2020
  • 6 replies


Hi Team,


Currently What ID is not supported in Programs or Rules. We have this functionality in reports to use the What ID . Any plans of implementing in the data sets of programs and rules as well ?


In report builder I have this option to map the linked object and when I link it to company person , linked object is getting a look up to company person and I can expand it.




When I build a data set in programs using this ‘cockpit associated record’ object, I am not getting this option and I am unable to map to company person and  expand the linked object field


Use Case : Customer wants to send emails to the persons who are associated to CTA , As the Linked in object is not showing the lookup to Company person its not getting to pull the person details and send emails via program

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

I’d like to +1 this post as it would enable so much more flexibility for JO programs especially.  

User Story: As a CSM I would like to be able to associate a person to a CTA that when closed (or otherwise deemed valid) this associated person should be used as a participant in a JO Program.


Currently, as shown above, this relationship is possible in REPORTING but not in RULES or Program Source Queries.  This should be part of functionality PARITY across the admin UI and data model.

@darkknight /  @travis_floyd  anyone else support this? Please vote up!


Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @keith_mattes,

You can always create another task and merge in Rules to get the relevant data. This approach has a few more benefits compared to the level of support that we have in Reporting today (Expansion of lookups to get name fields). 

Given this - can you describe if this is more of a nice to have for consistency only or if there are any additional challenges? 


cc: @nitisha_rathi 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

This is primarily a concern with JO Program SOURCES.  I believe reporting and rules facilitate this a bit more easily. This use-case is, I believe, quite critical for consistency across the Admin side and application overall.  JO Source Queries should have the same capabilities as Rules and Reports. 

Additionally, if there are plans to enhance JO Actions and include “Send Survey” and allows it to be sent to the proper person, that would be cool too.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@sandeepchidiri and @keith_mattes this may not be news to anyone, but Who/whatis does appear supported in rules now. However, it is still not supported in JO programs.


@sai_ram Do we need a separate request to get whois available in JO query builder? Or can we convert this into a request even though part of it is technically possible now? I came across this doing a search before making the request myself.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@sandeepchidiri and @keith_mattes this may not be news to anyone, but Who/whatis does appear supported in rules now. However, it is still not supported in JO programs.


@sai_ram Do we need a separate request to get whois available in JO query builder? Or can we convert this into a request even though part of it is technically possible now? I came across this doing a search before making the request myself.

@rakesh is this supported in Data Designer and Horizon Rules? I don’t currently have a use offhand to test it but folks using Associated Records and Timeline would likely want it to work.

cc: @alizee 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

In case anyone is wondering since this never got a response - it looks like this is now supported in Data Designer and (for some objects) Horizon Rules. Customer Goals Association is bugged and doesn’t work.
