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At the admin level we can configure the time of day that notifications get sent out.

However there is no indication of the timezone this relates to

If I am in the UK and set the time to 14:00 - will it send to all users at 14:00 UK time, server time (which I imagine is US) or some other time ?

..... and even if I enable at Admin level do all users have to go into the Notification area and manually select which events they want to be notified on to receive an alert. Or will they get an Alert on all events regardless. ie Do I have to tell all our reps to configure their personal alerts ?


Ian, I think your time selection is based on whatever timezone setting you have selected in your SFDC profile.

There are a couple of support articles that address your second question about end users needing to select the event types they'd like to receive notifications for: (for end users to configure their notifs.)
