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Does anyone have a good workaround for pulling in Company Persons into the “To” field for reps to search company persons when sending Emails from Relationship Type CTA Email Tasks?

Hi @markglenwalker 

A relationship person is automatically tied to a company person upstream. It cannot exist on its own, just like a relationship cannot exist without a company.

Why are you seeking to send it a company level only and why can’t you create the CTA at the company level if there is such a need?



Hi @alizee. Prior to the recent release, we were able to search Company Persons when sending Relationship CTA Email Tasks. After the release, it no longer works.

We load our contacts to Company Person. The way we use Relationships doesn’t provide a use case for us to have separate Relationship Persons from Company Person. Let’s say we have 8 million company persons and on average 3 Relationships per Company. Then I would need to have 24 million relationship persons (the same people as company persons).

My preference is to have a workaround restored so it functions like it did prior to the recent release.





Gainsight resolved this problem. They “fixed the issue at the code level”. It now functions as it did prior to the August 24 release.
