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To prevent spam on weekends and holidays, we put our community into pre-moderation which works well enough. It certainly prevents spam from hitting the public!

However, as y’all know the banner that says “Your post needs to be approved” is in the least logical spot and due to how invisible it is, we’re often slammed with duplicate or triplicate posts due to people thinking their post didn’t go through.

While I can’t fix the pre-mod workflow, I am contemplating building out some sort of pop-up that we turn on when needed that greets people when they visit the site and basically says “We’re in pre-mod. Post away, but all posts have to be approved before they go public” (but more eloquently). Chances are people will forget that pop-up by the time they post, but it’s worth a try.

But…. how? I have no idea where to start with this, but very badly needed.

I dont know about the pop up, how to set it up, but one possible workaround:

Maybe you could use the placeholder text for this? “Note, that your post will be pre-moderated...”.

Just a thought.


I thought about that, but…

  1. We’d have to change it on a regular basis and it’s not a light lift in reality.
  2. Past experience with modifying that to have directions has proven no one reads it.

Yes, I understand.

There is no pop up for this, you have to build it by your own and it might require development a lot. Also, you have to enable / disable constantly.

Any ideas @DannyPancratz?

Hopefully you find easy solution here!

(This is a bit beyond my technical expertise. I always need support to help me with Javascript and colleagues for more advanced HTML)

I’ve never done any pop-ups myself, but I suspect it’d happen in the third party scripts in the backend. 

The good news is that the New Topic creation page always uses the same base URL structure, so you should be able to target the pop up to just that page. 

And this stack overflow post suggests you can target JS to run just on weekends. Otherwise the same challenge applies as the preview text: having to add/remove it before/after each weekend. 

But how about just replies?

Can the current banner be moved and maybe re-styled? Using CSS perhaps?

@jillian.bejtlich does the spam tend to come from net-new registrations? If so, maybe there’s some options around automating custom roles and then category permissions until they’re changed to a full access user by the team. 

@DannyPancratz It does, but almost all of our volume comes from net-new registrations so the issue remains!

@revote Maybe… but that’s definitely a question for Gainsight! Hoping they chime in and I’m sure they will.


It does, but almost all of our volume comes from net-new registrations so the issue remains!


This isn’t elegant (and i’m not sure it’s better than a pop-up) but it’s an idea…

Email Expectation Setting

  1. Zapier or other Automation: New User registrations on a weekend get a custom role “weekend”
  2. Gainsight CC: User segment of users with custom role “weekend”
  3. Gainsight CC: Email campaign that sends immediately to new users in that segment

Subject: One more thing!

Because it’s the weekend, you might see a delay in your posts, etc…


(Note: they also will get their welcome to the community email immediately, so it’d be two emails when they create their account)

And for my own self-serving interests... 
A better solution might be a direct message that could be triggered by their new post/reply. But you can’t automate that. So vote for this idea if you’d like to see that: 


@DannyPancratz I like the approach, but we’re fighting heavily with email fatigue and it doesn’t prevent the issue of people thinking their post didn’t go through and hitting create/send a few more times. :(

You probably do this already but adding some info to registation confirmation email?

Yeah, I know. People doesnt read it 😃

@revote People don’t read it.

TL:DR - We need to change the GUI.

Notification Center, Notification Center, wherefore art thou Notification Center?”


(spring roadmap webinar did mention it and they estimated late this year when i asked for a tentative timeline, but {roadmap caveats and safe harbor statements}. I did see my former CSM demo the internal alpha of this for me in February when I asked about it, so hopefully it’s still on track)

You dont tell do you do code, or do you have developer(s). As said, this pop up requires custom work.

I would contact Support and ask them to build this for me. It has some pricetag of course.

They dont share the code here.
