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📢 Gainsight's PX May 2022 Release is Live!

The PX May release is now live in US and EU orgs!  We have delivered new features and enhancements to help you get started faster and simplify your PX user experience. Check out our release notes for more information.Release Highlights: Content Recommendation In KC Bot: Define URL rules and Global context rules to deliver personalized and context-based content recommendations to your end-users.   Trigger Engagements using Survey score: Trigger engagements for a group of users based on their response to Survey Engagements. Multi-Product Widgets in Dashboards: Create Custom Dashboards and add audience widgets related to various products of your subscription. This helps to analyze the performance of different products in the same dashboard. Improved Reports Home: The Reports section in Analytics is now improved for better visibility and accessibility. View two separate list view pages for My Reports and Shared Reports and many more usability enhancements. Create Multi-Product Funnels: Now create Funnels to track the user journeys across multiple products. KPI View in Audience Widgets: Track KPIs effortlessly with the new KPI view in select Audience Widgets.RELEASE NOTES  FYI @dstokowski @minh_phan @mickey @harshibanka @skalle @Chandu @neelam_mukherjee @Sania Ahmed @anirbandutta Follow this post and/or subscribe to this category to automatically receive updates when new content/document/communication is posted.

Related products:PX Engagements

inSpired ideation review Q1 2022

The time has come for our quarterly ideation review :)We wanted to share our quarterly review to run through the great ideas on inSpired which we investigated, worked on, and delivered in the last quarter  .The review aims to highlight what’s changed on the inSided platform in the last quarter based on the ideas that you have submitted, voted for, and to which you contributed replies.Side note: We will slightly change the dates of our quarters so they are aligned with Gainsight definition of quarters. So from now on:Q1 = February, March, April Q2 = May, June, July, Q3 = August, September, October Q4 = November, December, JanuarySo exceptionally this Q1 2022 ideation review will cover: January, February, March and April Quick stats for inSpired ideas in Q1 2022   11 ideas delivered   134 new ideas created   65 votes delivered 986 votes added  So once again, a big thank you to everyone on inSpired who has shared ideas and voted on other customer ideas - the product team massively appreciates the insights and feedback you’ve given us over the last quarter  Ideas we delivered The following 11 ideas you submitted on inSpired have been delivered or partially delivered, with a total of 65 votes delivered in Q1 2022.  Ideas we closed (parked) This quarter we also focused on parking some ideas that are getting old and didn't get a lot of votes or activity. The status "Closed (parked)" means we reviewed the idea and we know we won’t build it any time soon. This could be because of the complexity of the idea, the value it might return, the fact that the idea is not aligned with our product strategy, or because it didn't get a lot of votes. Please reach out if you have any questions


Widget spacing update

This product update is to announce that we are planning to release a some small update to our existing widgets to have consistent spacing across all widgets. The changes are not live since Wednesday 20th April What will change?We noticed that we have some inconsistencies in some of our widgets. Some have spacing on the upper section of the widget. Some other widgets have spacing on the bottom part of the widget. The result is that customisable pages can have inconsistencies in spacing. Sometimes there might be too much or too little spacing between widgets.We are therefore updating all widgets to have the spacing always on top of the widget.  Here is a how the spacing will look like one the changes are live:  On desktop & tablet: The spacing will be 32px between full-width widgets The red doted line indicates the delimitation of the widget The spacing will be 24px between sidebar widgets Mobile: The spacing will be 24px between all widgets The red doted line indicates the delimitation of the widget  What does this mean for you?We know some of you use Custom CSS to fix some of the inconsistencies in spacing.If this is your case we encourage you to check your customisable pages on the date the changes will be pushed. You can then remove any code related to spacing to make sure the spacing is consistent.  If you any help or notice anything unexpected after the changes please contact


Product Feedback Dashboard goes live

🚀 The Product Feedback Dashboard goes live! 🚀Ideas from your community strengthen your product and are precious data points for product teams.The Product Ideation Dashboard will now be available for all communities, extending it from the previous beta testing communities. Why are you doing this?Your community should be one of the most important sources of ideas and improvements suggestions from the users of your product. This dashboard allows the community manager or a product manager to track the community's creation and status of ideas.  But wait, where can I find all this?The Product Feedback Dashboard is now available in analytics. Can I see a list of all the ideas of my community?The ideation trends table allows a quicker understanding of the evolution of the status of an idea in a period. It also provides the full list of all ideas from your community.Filtering for users of a specific customer (company) allows identifying better the ideas that matter to those users and enable faster loops with product teams. Can I drill down what ideas are most important for a specific customer of my product?Yes, if you have the SFDC integration enabled, a company drop-down menu appears next to the date range. You can select one customer (company) of your product and have all the widgets reflect the ideas created and voted by the community users of that specific company. If you do not have the SFDC integration, you will see all ideas submitted in the community. Why do I only see a small set of customers in the company filter drop-down?The drop-down is limited to a maximum of the top 25 customers that created or voted for ideas.You can still use the search option to filter for any of your customers. Wait, but how can I see who created or voted for a specific idea?Every idea in the ideation table links to the topic there, and you can see the details for a specific idea.  It is unclear the ideas created vs. ideas voted by users from a customer. Are there improvements planned for this?Yes, we aim to add more information to the ideation trends table. Namely:Differentiation between ideas created and voted by users of a company (when the company is selected) Idea creation date Count of votes and replies for an idea from the users of a company The company filter is excellent, but I need more filtering options. Which others are you considering?We want to leverage the data that we have on the users of the community as much as possible. We are considering filtering for roles and badges, but we would love to hear from you. If you have suggestions, please add them to this ideation topic. We'd love to hear your feedback or any questions about this release.

Related products:CC Analytics & Reporting

Product feedback dashboard improvement

The product ideation dashboard just got better.Ideas from your community strengthen your product and are precious data points for product teams.We added two new features to the product feedback dashboard to ease the tracking of ideas.A new ideation trends table, with a ranked list of ideas on the number of votes gathered A company filterWhy are you doing this?Understanding the status of ideas that the users of your community submitted and filtering them to a specific company enables community or product managers to have a more granular view of their community's ideation. The ideation trends table allows a quicker understanding of the evolution of the status of an idea in a period.Filtering for users of a specific customer (company) allows identifying better the ideas that matter to those users and trigger faster loops with product teams. Where can I find this?The ideation trends table is at the bottom of the Product Ideation dashboard.Ideation trends without a company selected Ideation trends with a company selected The company filter is in the filtering section on top of the dashboard.Company Filter FAQs Why don't I see any company (customer) when I try to use the filter?Filtering for users at a customer (company) level is only possible if you have the SalesForce Integration to link community members to their organization. So if you don't have the SFDC integration enabled, we can't display the list of companies. If you want to allow SFDC integration, don't hesitate to contact us. Why do I only see a small set of customers in the company filter drop-down?The drop-down is limited to a maximum of the top 25 customers that created or voted for ideas.You can still use the search option to filter for any of your customers. Wait, but how can I see who created or voted for a specific idea?Every idea in the ideation table links to the topic there, and you can see the details for a specific idea. In the next iteration, we will add color differentiation for ideas created or voted for by users from the selected company. The company filter is excellent, but I need more filtering options. Which others are you considering?We want to leverage the data that we have on the users of the community as much as possible. We are considering filtering for roles and badges, but we would love to hear from you. If you have suggestions, please add them to this ideation topic.  Does this feature tackle any of the open ideas in the community?This feature tackles some of the pain points highlighted in this idea. Although filtering for email addresses is not yet possible, it quickly highlights the ideas important for users of a specific customer. What is next? Will we see this filter on other dashboards? We consider adding the company filter in other relevant dashboards like content, user, audience, self-service, and engagement. Let us know what you think in the comments. As always, we'd love to hear your feedback or any questions you have about this release.

Related products:CC Analytics & Reporting

Mega Menu UX Experiment

Over the past few months, we heard your feedback about the Mega Menu. You expressed some concerns about the KB and community overview pages not being easier to discover in the Mega Menu.We would like to run an experiment and test a slightly different UX in the Mega Menu to improve the discoverability of theses pages. The idea is to run this test on a few communities and see if the discoverability of the KB and community overview pages increases.  What are the changes we would we like to test:The change itself is actually quite small. They only apply to the "Community" and "Knowledge Base" entries of the Mega Menu. Here is a small video of myself explaining the new UX we would like to test, taking as an example the Knowledge Base overview  To note: This will not change the navigation on mobile in any way :)You can also check out this new UX in our own community InSpired.  What metrics will we be looking at:We will be looking at the overall number of view of the KB overview and Community overview pages. We will also monitor the clicks in the Mega Menu and compare the number of flows where the users accessed these overview pages through the Mega Menu. Overall we will check to see if we see an increase in those metrics.  How long will be the test:We will run the test for 2 weeks starting on Monday the 7th March 2022.To take part in the test, we kindly ask two requirements:You are using the KB overview and/or the Community overview page. You can take part if the test if you are only using one of these pages.For example: You use the KB overview but not the Community overview page. The KB overview will be accessible like described in the above video On hover on the "Community" entry of the Mega Menu, the community dropdown will appear. Upon clicking on the "Community" entry of the Mega Menu the users will not redirect to any page, as you are not using the Community overview page. We simply ask that you don't do any major changes to your homepage during those the two weeks of the test. You can of course update features topics but for instance adding or removing a link to the KB overview on your homepage could bias the results. Please comment below if you would like to take part in this test. Thanks a lot for your help on this :) 


Email Templates Improvements

📮 Email Templates ImprovementsSystem emails set up received some needed TLC in the UI, simplifying the test emails, warning to ensure you save your changes, and simplifying adding variables to your emails.  UI revampWe polished our UI with new input and infoboxes. Insert variable drop-downsEach email template has now different email variables for title and content sections.Inserting email variables from contextual drop-down list Test emailsThe “Send Test Email” button is a real timesaver while updating or fixing email templates. Now users don’t have to trigger any system email to see their changes on an actual email client. Instead, they can see their email on an existing email client by clicking this button. And also, It is possible to send test emails without saving, so users can test their changes without breaking any email template. For test emails, the variable name and not the variable value is displayed.When a user clicks this button an email is sent to their registered email address in the community.Test emails to logged-in email address  Warning for leaving before saveA warning message pops out to remind users to save their changes if there are any.Warning for unsaved changes  For all pain points tackled by this update please check, that triggered this upgradeThis product update completes the circle with this idea posted in the inSpired community. For all information on email template variables please check:  As always, we'd love to hear your feedback or any questions you have about this release.


Beta Release - New User Overview page

We’re happy to release the new User Overview page into beta! As we’re getting ready to work on some big improvements in managing your users (think advanced filters, bulk actions and more), the first step towards this is upgrading the UI to our new design system. Read on to learn what’s new, and what we’ve got in store for you next.What’s new?The new User Overview gives you a more crisp look of your users, but apart from a visual makeover, we’ve smuggled in some small improvements already. Customize which columns to display First off, you’re now able to customize which columns you want to display by toggling them on and off. This will allow you to show the user properties that are most important to you. As you may have guessed, we’ll be adding more columns for you to choose from in the near future.See the number of (filtered) usersSecondly, you’re now able to see the total number of users in the User Overview. Also, when you filter users, you will also see the number of users that match your filtering criteria.What’s next?We’re getting ready to deliver on some much requested improvements to make user management way easier. First, we’ll focus on adding more advanced filtering capabilities so you can more easily drill down on the users you’re looking for. In order to save time and clicks on your behalf, we’ll also be focussing on performing some time consuming bulk actions on your selections. FeedbackAs this feature is in beta, please share all the feedback you may have on this feature! What do you think of the new User Overview? Anything you’d like to improve? What are you most looking forward to next in regards to user management? Which improvements would make the biggest impact on the amount of time spent on user management?

Related products:CC Users & Roles

Improved tracking of Unique Visitors in the Audience Dashboard

📺 We're excited to announce that we have updated the unique visitors' dashboard.  We increased the accuracy of unique visitors' reporting by cross-referencing a visitor tracking cookie with the unique visitor id.  Why are you doing this?We get several questions from our customers on the unique visitors' data. We aim to provide the most accurate visitor numbers for our communities, and this enhancement closes several of the identified sources of discrepancies, namely:If a user visited the community several times before registering, we would count all those visits as unregistered visits and not link them to a registered user (when a visitor registers). If a user used different devices, we measured the access from each device separately. How are we achieving more accurate results?To track unique visitors, we used a tracking cookie, and every time we saw the tracking cookie again, we would add it to that visitor. We now merge two data points: the tracking cookie and the unique user id. Once a user logs in, we link the cookie to a user id and update all the prior visits attributing them to the registered user. In the same way, if a user has multiple devices and logs in to the platform, we attribute all the different tracking cookies to a unique user id. In which situation are inSided numbers less accurate?Accurately tracking visitors to a web page or any SaaS product will never be perfect because there are cases for which counting is not possible and the user does not want to be tracked, namely:Users clear their cookies often. Users disable tracking cookies. Users use incognito mode to access websites. InSided visitors analytics will be more accurate over longer time intervals and provide a good overview of trends for visitors into a community. What more do I need to know? This product update is an improvement for the Audience Dashboard and builds on this product update. Any plans to improve the Audience Dashboard further?Not yet planned, but we are considering the following ideas:Add more filtering options to the audience dashboard Show the number of sessions on the Audience Dashboard Integrate Embeddable Widget Metrics into Community Analytics Build your own dashboard featureIf any of those is crucial for you, please upvote to harness the power of the community.  As always, we'd love to hear your feedback or any questions you have about this release.

Related products:CC Analytics & Reporting

Widgets updated to CSS grid

This product update is to announce that we are planning to release some small updates on the CSS of several widgets.The changes will be live on the 23rd of February.  What will change:We rewrote the CSS for 5 widgets to achieve a more consistent behavior and look-n-feel. The following widgets are concerned: Knowledge Base Community Category Quick Links Featured Topics Featured Topics (This is a very old widget that features topics using moderator tags, most of you are not using this widget) We modified the following classes. The classes stay the same, only the CSS rules have been changed to use CSS grid technology. We didn't make any changes HTML mark up. See below the list of modified classes: community-category-list community-category__card community-category__card-small-card knowledge-base-category-list knowledge-base__card knowledge-base__card-small-card featured-topics__list featured-topic featured-topic--full-width featured-topic--half-width widget--featured-topics featured-topic featured-topics__heading quicklink__container quicklink__container--knowledgeBase quicklink__box  Why did we make those changes:The first reason is for some UI consistency: We aligned the paddings and margins to be consistent.  We implemented clear edges and vertical alignment The second reason is more technical: We implemented a CSS Grid with 12 columns grid which allows us to customize the appearance of cards much more easily and with the same approach We reduced the number of CSS rules have been reduced, no more "!important" notations   What does this mean for you?For the majority of you these changes will have no impact on the look and feel of your community. However if you use custom CSS specifically on the listed widgets, the look and feel of your community might be impacted. There can be minor issues of spacing or width. You will need to update your custom CSS to solve those issues once the changes are released.  Feel free to contact our support team at if you need any help. 


Customisable event RSVP button

 We’re very happy to announce that the option to customise the RSVP button is now available platform-wide when you’re creating an event   Thank you to all those who contributed their use cases, voted and share their feedback on our research article! Since the Events module has been released, we have learned that our customers have different preferences and needs from an event hosting platform, some using even an event management solution.Your communities are the perfect place to promote events and drive attendance to the webinars and workshops you’re organising. Unfortunately, the user experience was not intuitive enough on the event page, as the RSVP flow within the community events frequently caused confusion amongst users, making them think they are registered by simply clicking the Attend button on the community event, while in reality, the actual registration required accessing and filling in forms hosted outside of our platform. As @mhuddleston very clearly explained in her idea, together with the use cases and feedback brought up by @Scott Baldwin, @JessEs, @alex.maks, @nicksimard, @Kgastaldo and @DannyPancratz,  there was a clear need to be able to capture registrations and attendance lists in external tools and guide the users in as few steps as possible. We hope this improvement will bring bigger audiences to your events!  For more information on how to configure this option and its behaviour, please visit the following KB article: 

Related products:CC Events

[Beta release] New Community overview page

We are delighted to release in Beta the new Community overview page :)A couple of months ago, we released a new overview page for the Knowledge Base. We are now releasing a similar feature for the community module in Beta.Our objective is to provide a page for end-users to explore all the community content. By using the community overview page, you can free some space on the homepage to be used as a "Customer Hub" landing page, making it easier for your end-users to explore all the resources available. Read on to see what we mean by "Customer Hub."  . What's new?Customizable Community overview pageThe main news is that this page now exists! And you can configure the look and feel of widgets displayed on the Community overview page. The rest of your theme will apply automatically. Link added to Mega MenuThe link to the Community overview page will be accessible from the Mega Menu in the Community dropdown. Side note: In parallel to the Community overview beta, we will run A/B tests around the discoverability of the overview pages in the Mega Menu. More to come on that topic soon :) What is a Customer Hub?A Customer Hub is a platform that serves as a destination for all customer communication, CS resources, and peer-to-peer best practices and knowledge exchange. It's the epicenter of your Digital Customer Success strategy. Through a Customer Hub, customers and users can access onboarding, adoption, and support content to help them reach and realize value faster throughout their customer journey. A Customer Hub enhances the customer experience by driving engagement, speeding up time to value, and fostering community. Why do you need a Customer Hub?Users often have trouble finding the right content at the right time. In addition, the typical split across multiple platforms (LMS, Support platform, Knowledge Base, Community…) creates confusion and friction in the community customers experience. Finally, there's a clear need to integrate CS and CRM tooling and data with a customer-facing portal to centralize information about the customer journey to understand better and improve the customer experience. Whether users are looking to share an idea, access training, or are just checking out a new product release, we want to offer them a single, centralized space to go: the "Customer Hub." We see a "Customer Hub" as the primary tool to help them achieve their goals and guide them to find the right content.  How can I test the Community overview page?Check out this article to learn how to set up and test the page:Based on the number of InSided modules you use we recommend a different use for the community overview. The below article highlights best practices to structure your Community overview based on your use case: Note: We enabled the feature on both your production and staging environments.  As this feature is in beta, please share all the feedback you may have on this feature!Are you happy to use this feature in its current status? If not, why? Are you seeing things you would like to improve?


Improvements on the moderation overviews

 Table of Contents:Old vs. new Moderation Overview Filters now available in the new moderation overview Filter by number of likes Filter by number of votes Filter on topics without a moderation label assigned Filter the Articles and Product Updates by Status Filter topics published & with last activity “Between” a date range Filter topics by public tags Sorting options on the moderation overview table Sort the content table by number of likes, replies and votes Some UI improvements Upcoming improvementsOld vs. new Moderation OverviewWe have released the new moderation overview for a while now and, as many of you noticed, the old moderation was offering a wider range of filters and sorting option than the new one. Almost a third of our customer base are active on a regular basis on the old moderation overview so we decided to look into how we can improve the new moderation overviews so that it serves its purpose in the best way possible. The starting point is to bring over the filters, sorting options and bulk actions that have not yet been moved, followed by enabling certain functionalities for all content types, strengthening and unifying the overview, while also enabling the opportunity to enrich the content-specific overviews with a wider filtering options. Last but not least, certain functionalities, for example the content flagging feature, will need to be rebuild, getting us closer to the point where we will be able to retire the legacy overview. A long way ahead of us but progress requires small and consistent steps. For now, let’s look at the latest additions to the new moderation overview ✌️ Filters now available in the new moderation overview Filter by number of likesThis filters out all topics based on the number of likes received. Likes are not supported for ideas, so they will be displayed always with 0 LikesFilter by number of votesThis filter is the equivalent of the Likes one but for ideas. Similarly, because Votes are not supported by other content types, you will see their Votes value set to 0. Filter on topics without a moderation label assignedIt is now possible to surface only those topics that were not assigned a moderation label, hopefully simplifying the moderation reviewing processes Filter the Articles and Product Updates by StatusThis is an example of a filter that requires some extra effort before making it available in the global moderation overview, because the question, conversation and idea content types cannot yet be saved as drafts or scheduled. We will solve this behaviour inconsistency, but for now you can make use of it on the Articles and Product Updates overviews.  Filter topics published & with last activity “Between” a date rangeAnother great piece of feedback that we received from our customers was to include an option to select a custom date range for the ‘Published date’ and ‘Last activity date’ for more specific results.  Filter topics by public tagsNow it is possible to filter out all content types based on one or more public tags or it can be combined with the ‘Content Type’ filter to bring up only specific topics with certain public tags. The drop-down will include only the first 25 tags for optimised performance, but the search option is there to help you find any public tag you need. Sorting options on the moderation overview table Sort the content table by number of likes, replies and votes The content table on the moderation overview can be sorted by the number of replies, likes or votes received by topics. The 3 columns can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column name.Some UI improvementsThe content table is more compact now We adjusted the width of filters to keep them consistent The usernames displayed on different columns are now consistent and can be clicked to navigate to the user’s profile page in Control Upcoming improvements‘Unread by team’ functionality will be added to ideas and product updates, making it also available on the content table of moderation overview. Ability to filter ‘Closed’ or unclosed topics, including adding a small UI element to show on the overview if a topic is closed or not.  A new column on the content table of the moderation overview to show the number of views received by a topic, with the ability to sort the table by this column Some more filters to be added on the global moderation overview: ‘Author’; ‘Article label’; ‘Product update label’; ‘Status’; ‘Views’; ‘Replied by moderator’ are just a few ideas we currently have.  An array of bulk actions that would save time organising the content More flexibility & reliability with saving custom views New content-specific overviews sharing the same set of filters and actions as the global one. Our goal is to enable all moderation teams to ‘work smart’ and get valuable actionable insights from the content overviews, so feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments. 🙏

Related products:CC Moderation

Better triggers, more data, more actions in the Zapier app

We’re excited to announce that we have updated our Zapier app with: Enhanced product information in existing triggers and search actions Enabling awarding badges and roles in actions  What do these new triggers and actions enable You can add to a trigger a product area. The product area carries over to your actions. Your actions can now be directed to specific product areas.  You can now automate awarding badges and roles. Use the information from triggers and other actions like searches to remove the burden of awarding badges and roles one by one. How can you 🌶️️ spice up your triggers and actions Enhanced data in existing triggersWe have added more information to the existing New Topic, Updated Moderator Tags, and Product Updates triggers. For these 3 triggers, you can now also access "Product Areas'' in the data for Ideas. Enabling further details in your Zapier triggers. You can use this new information to push ideas that have a particular product area to an engineering slack channel so that your team is instantly notified.Enhanced data in existing Searches action and new search actionWe have enhanced Search action with 'Likes Given' in Find User.We added a new  Get Assigned Points of User Search action. This action retrieves all-times points earned by a user. Improved gamification automation controlWe added two new actions to our Zapier app: Award badge and Award role. You can use these zapier actions to simply enhance user profiles in the community. Awarding users a badge in the community when they complete a course or earn a certification in your academy, is a common use-case we planned. Using the Award badge zapier action you can set up this integration in just a few minutes. Get started with the following guides: As always, we’d love to hear your feedback or any questions you have about this release.

Related products:CC Users & Roles

Roadmap update 23: Control overviews, Reporting, Customization, and more

First of all, we’re super excited to be part of Gainsight now, you can read all about it in the blog post of our CEO Robin if you haven’t already. The acquisition means an acceleration of our R&D efforts to improve our current product and execute on our existing vision. Our vision is to become a Customer Hub to scale digital engagement, to help you create customer journeys that are more integrated and effective than ever before:  Make your community your central Customer Hub and use all customer data to deliver a personalized experience. Deliver content and engagement proactively, by combining notifications, gamification and community content with journey orchestration capabilities. Modernize the community experience with a more conversational, rich and real time experience. Truly understand how your community engages and drives business outcomes as a key input to customer health scores.  Our focus for this year remains to work closely with you, our community, and improve the existing product. Just like we’ve done in previous quarters, we’ll continue to use your input to build a better product. Last quarter, we delivered on some of your top-voted ideas related to the moderation experience, groups, and integrations. For the next quarter, we’ll continue our efforts to improve the moderator experience by upgrading the content and user overview pages.  We’re also excited to start working on more customization options in the front end of our product. By using our no-code page builder, we’re already seeing more and more customers using the homepage as a customer hub, unifying all content and engagement your customers need to drive business outcomes. To help achieve this, we’ll add more widgets to the homepage, upgrade the UI and create an additional landing page optimized for browsing the community categories. Coming up Community overview page:A couple of months ago we released a new overview page for the Knowledge Base. We aim to do the same for the community module. Our objective is to provide a page for end-users to explore all the community content. With that you can free space on the homepage so it can then be used as a "Customer Hub" landing page, making it easier for your end-users to explore all the content relevant to them.  New and Improved widgets:To support that "Customer Hub" vision for the homepage, we want to take the experience the page offers to the next level. The goal is to improve current widgets both in terms of UX and UI and well as create new widgets. We will focus on providing easier navigation and guiding users through their different use cases.  Upgrade the User overview in Control:With this project, we want to give some love to our Control environment. The User overview needs a proper upgrade. The goal is to update the UI and add more filtering options. Ultimately we wish to add bulk actions and take steps towards offering segmentation. For example, give you the option to perform actions like sending an email to all users who have not logged in the past 30 days, giving a badge to all users in a given group, etc.Moderation overview:Community teams are moderating content on a regular basis. That’s why we’ll be working on improving the moderation experience by bringing old functionalities back and adding some cool new ones. Plus, we’ll strengthen the underlying technical layers to ensure consistency and reliability. The goal is to make your content moderation work as easy and pleasant as a walk in the park while saying “goodbye” to our old moderation overview.  Customizable Attend button on EventsWe are looking into a way for you to customize the RSVP button by inserting an external link to the registration page. The goal is to enable the usage of your community together with an external event management tool and to create a better user experience when the event registration lives outside of our platform. The user will be able to navigate easily and finalize the registration there, ensuring that you’re capturing all the information you need from attendees.  Release the Product Feedback DashboardOur Product Feedback Dashboard has been in Beta for a while. It’s now time to remove that status. After releasing this dashboard, we’ll use it to bring in Salesforce data and enable filtering on product ideas (submitted and delivered) on a customer level. This will be only for customers that enabled the Salesforce integration.   Improve reportingData needs to be turned into insights. As communities grow and traffic increases, it’s fundamental to ensure our customers easily understand the trends in their communities. We’ll focus on an easier way to export raw data, and improve the counting of unique visitors. We’ll also enable filtering on a company level for all available dashboards. This way superusers can quickly assess the engagement of individual customers in their communities.  Patterns and images blocker for posts and titlesEven with the best efforts from community teams to prevent and educate their members, private information and inappropriate images can find their way into communities. To further fortify the defense against these, we’ll be adding pre-moderation automatic rules that would catch such posts and create a “Pending” state for a moderator to review them.   Newly-released since the previous roadmap update 


Structure your Group overview page using group tags

We have a few new year goodies for you around groups. We created the concept of Groups tags to help end users find groups more easily and made some UI improvements  Group tags You have shared with us over the past few months one pain point concerning the group overview page. Previously it was pretty hard for end users to browse all the groups available especially when there are many. Also it was not possible to organise your groups overview page in sections. Groups tags are here to solve that Groups tags allow you to group your groups ( ) . Basically you can organise your groups in sections on the group overview page in a way that makes sense for your end users.  Group tags displayed on destination End users can use group tags to filter down the list of groups displayed. Ultimately it's easier for them to find relevant groups to join. Example of a list of groups with group tagsCheck out this KB article to see how to get started using groups tags. It will take you less than 5 min to set up :)   UI improvements We also took the opportunity to improve some smaller UI elements of the group overview page: In the Find a new group section we updated group cards and:Added a "Join Group" Call to action to nudge users to join Added the group type Removed the number of topics and avatars to have a simpler cleaner UI In the My groups section we:Removed the number of topics, members and avatars to have a simpler cleaner UI Please as always share any feedback or question you may have with us :)

Related products:CC Groups

Hidden groups now available

We are pleased to announce that hidden groups are now available! Thank you @justine.rae for suggesting the following idea This feature is available for customers on the inSided Business Package and above. What are hidden groups?Hidden group are groups that are only visible to its members. Only personally invited users can see and join a hidden group. Only the members of a hidden group can see its content. Hidden groups are the most secure group type compared to public and private groups. They can be used to discuss topics that should be seen only by selected users. You should create a hidden group if you want only specific users to know the existence of that group and see the content within the group.You can invite users to become members of hidden groups by personally inviting them by email.  With hidden groups you can:Have a specific group for VIP, Super users, partners where they can discuss freely Have a group to discuss Beta features Have groups for the all users of a same company How to start using hidden groups?Start by reading this article that explains the difference between the different group types to decide what group type fit the most your use case.Except for the differences of visibility and invite settings, hidden groups work very similarly to public and private groups. Listed below are a few articles to get started:As always, please let us know if you have any additional questions or feedback.

Related products:CC Groups