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New media available for Embeds

  • 2 December 2021
  • 3 replies

 We’re happy to announce that 4 new media are now supported to be embedded in content:

  • ​​​​​VideoAsk 

  • Spotify

  • (podcasts)



Here’s one of our podcasts which can be listened to on Spotify: 

For a complete list of supported media types, please check this article: 


Awesome! I only noticed there is a quite large white space under the embeds of (at least) Spotify and Anchor. It also happened in this article. What could be triggering this and how can I solve this?

Hi @TomW! Thank you for raising this. I noticed the same thing and I will raise a ticket with our engineers to investigate the white space, which I suspect comes from the set size of the embed iframe. I will keep you posted here. 

Hi @Cristina thank you very much!