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Hello, is there a way to show the name of a success plan associated with a CTA/Task in Gainsight? So far we have then tagged as type=objective but our team would like to see the name of the success plan in Cockpit view as well. 



You can edit the desired view and Add the name of the SP. Although you can’t customize the Column Header so probably you’ll end up with more than one “Name” column and it can be confusing, it will be there. @Brittney Wilson 


Hope this helps

By the way, there’s a posted idea related to exactly this, feel free to add your vote/comment ?



Thanks everyone! Is there a way to include a custom field on 360 success plan view? We create success plans by teams (under the company which can have multiple teams) so I would like to be able to identify which success plans are associated with teams under the “All Success Plans” view.

