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When we went through implementation, a scorecard rule was created for billing status and was not turned on, last time it was run was a year ago. 

The billing status is set as a manual update in scorecards, so the scorecard was capturing billing status correctly.  

In a moment of pure brilliancy (sarcasm), I decided to activate the rule and run it.  This seems to have overridden all the manual entries and caused a lot of accounts to go into the red.  I turned the rule for billing status in the scorecard off again but the scores are still negatively impacted by this.

Anyone know of a way to put things “back” to how it was prior to my great idea?

On the plus side, now you’re “one of us”, @ahollen . Most of us have done some variation on this, and you’re not alone. I think we should all get a “There’s no Command+Z” badge at some point in our admin lives.

I see two potential paths:

  • First is to contact Gainsight Support and ask if they can revert your changes back out. I honestly don’t know if this is possible, but this is one scenario that might justify at least asking. If you do that, be prepared to some with a lot of detail about which companies to revert, which measures to revert, to what date, etc.
  • Second...if you have Scorecard History turned on, you could likely go into the Scorecard History object and re-write the scores and comments into the measures. One caveat there is the reversion update will still carry a current date, and the updater will be “System Administrator” rather than the original score updater / commenter.

Thank you @matthew_lind appreciate the insight and the welcome to this “club” lol.  

I do have the scorecard history turned on, which was one way I was able to identify that my moment of brilliance is what caused this mess.  

I will look into the 2nd option but keep the 1st as a go-to solution.

Best wishes,

