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Can I look at the number of posts and replies by segment or user role type. For example, I want to look at

  1. non-employees who have asked questions and gotten answers? 
  2. non-employees who have asked questions and gotten answers from non-employees
  3. can I do 1 and 2 for Questions and/or Conversations

Thank you.


Hi @Wilder-Clari 

We recently updated our Q&A Dashboard to allow for filtering on user role.

Ideally you would have custom roles for your customers / segments and employees.  These roles can then be used in the dashboard to narrow down who is asking and answering questions.

Here is our KB article on the update: 


To add to Alistair’s comment, the improvements have solved this same use case for me. 

To do so, you need to bring your internal/external data into Insided as custom user roles. We have an automation that pushes account type from Salesforce to Insided. 

Once you have that, the improvements to the Q&A dashboard are easy to use and quick for answering those questions. 

Plus, you’ll have that data in exports and data feeds for similar analysis outside the Q&A dashboard. 

Thank you @DannyPancratz and @Alistair FIeld 

Question: Good to know that you can push accountant type into SFDC.

Can you push posts, replies, etc. into SFDC from Insided?


@Wilder-Clari yes, there’s a Salesforce Integration that I strongly recommend. Currently, you get much more granular activity data from it than you can from exports (but the forthcoming Data Lake will make the same data, and likely more, available for non-Salesforce users) 


Great. Thank you.
