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Can you publish article version numbers publicly on the article? We are interested in making sure everything is up to date. Thanks!

Hi @priti.nandedkar 👋,

Currently our versioning system doesn’t include numbers. We currently display these versions like the example below, where you see the current version, when previous versions were created and whether this was when the article was in a draft state or published.


What would you like to see included publicly on the article? The date that the most current version was created?

@olimarrio Thank you for your answer! Essentially, we would like to see the version number that is posted. We are also interested in potentially manually adding a version number for some articles that can be viewed publically.

No problem @priti.nandedkar 😀

Interesting! I’d be curious to hear more about your use case for this. Would this be for your community members to be able to reference or just your internal team? For instance, if there was a version number publicly posted e.g. ‘Version 1.4’ how would this be used? Once an article is updated, that is the only version that is live on the community so I’d be interested to hear what the need would be to refer to old versions.
