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Hey fellow Insiders,

We just happily launched our inSided community last week and I was asked by our senior leadership to get a sense of what other insided community metrics looked like over the first 1-2 weeks just so we have something to bench mark ourselves against. 

Primarily I would be interested to knowing the following, over your first two weeks post launch:

  1. Total Page views
  2. Page views by visitors vs registered users
  3. Total registered members (excluding staff)
  4. Number of posts (excluding those made by staff)

Happy to share our 1 week metrics in the spirit of transparency

  1. Total Page views - 4757
  2. Page views by visitors vs registered users - 1860 Registered users vs. 2897 Guest user page views
  3. Total registered members (excluding staff) - 48
  4. Number of posts (excluding those made by staff) - 47

Hi @KrisGoose !

I’m happy to send you our metrics if it helps you put some numbers in front of leadership :) but it’s going to be comparing apples to oranges. Your expectations and goals would be very different depending on your use case and user base/audience.

What I think would be helpful is to consider:

  • How many users in the user base would be a good fit for joining the community? In other words, who fits your ideal Community User Persona? In the early days, I would expect a disproportionate number of New users and Superusers would be early joiners, and the Casual users would trickle in as you encourage them in various ways...
  • How many others (eg, Prospects, Casual users) might be viewers but not ready to join? Things to consider here might be, what is gated vs. public, how “heavy” is the registration process (do you need mod approval? do you have to share any personal information other than email?)
  • What circumstances would encourage someone to join or post? In our case, early community (registered) users were mostly posting support questions, but it took some time to build up confidence before we saw comments on product updates and we actively encouraged support questions to get activity moving in the early days. Like, even in a resolved support ticket we would ask people to post it on the community, as a favor to other users - and sometimes they did :)
  • What are the numbers on other channels, such as support docs and the company website (esp. pages that would have a similar audience to your community, like “news” or “events” or whatever makes sense)

Not sure if that helps with setting benchmarks, but maybe it gives you something to talk about.

I’m not sure these will be helpful, as our community “launch” was a relaunch after we migrated an existing community from another platform over to insided, so we had a built in user base of ~2K from day 1. We were also a completely private community at the time, so everyone who viewed pages was a registered visitor at the time. 

  1. 15220
  2. 0 vs 15220
  3. 41 new user registrations, excluding staff
  4. 192 posts (excluding staff posts)
    1. 55 topics
    2. 137 replies


Thank you @DannyPancratz and @JessEs. It’s helpful to see where different communites came and evolved from depending on where and how they started from. 

Hi @KrisGoose

Congrats on the launch of the Goosechase community! 🍾

I wanted to highlight something that @JessEs (love your HK avatar btw!) mentioned in her response that really stood out to me: 

 ...Your expectations and goals would be very different depending on your use case and user base/audience.

As a fellow ideator, I wanted to offer my two cents. Since you’re in a launch phase, a great place to zone in on is growth.

  • What is the current behavior of our community members?
  • What does active engagement currently look like?
  • Where does community member activity mostly take place?
  • What is the rate of new visitor sign-ups? 

Hopefully this provides you with some additional methods of thinking & presenting your internal value talk track to senior leadership. 🤓
