Favourite Zapier + Slack automations

  • 21 November 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi all, looking for some of your favourite zapier automations tat you’ve found useful when paired with your insided community.


We currently will be integrating Insided with zapier and connecting them with Intercom, Salesforce and Slack to start


Curious wrt slack, what have been some of your most useful zapier automations

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @KrisGoose 

Thank you for opening this topic. Zaps are a big part of keeping your community going for sure.

I can say we have a slack channel for new topics. A new topic is created in the community and it is posted in Slack. This helps get all eyes on any issues and questions where we may be able to help.

I am also in talks with our support team about regular examples we can template-a-size for sharing in inSpired.


I will also call on @DannyPancratz , @SmartlyGreg , @bas , @Idan , @tiffany.oda , -0@Daniele Cmty and @Chris Anderson to add any useful tips they may have! 



@Alistair FIeld my pleasure good sir! I always love a good “best practice” share thread, so with my community launch coming in a few weeks I’d love to have notifications in our company slack ready to go via zapier!


Userlevel 6
Badge +7

My piece of advice here is to work backwards from the thing you wish you had. Zapier is great at extending Insided functionality and customizing alerts (especially with Slack) to your needs/interests. 

The reason my advice is to work backwards is there’s a lot more you can do with Zapier that isn’t obvious with the existing Triggers and actions. You can automate just about anything in the Insided API using Zapier. Webhooks provide many more triggers you can work with. And other API calls allow you to create more actions you’d like to do. It will cost you a few more zap runs with multi-part Zaps, but it’s possible to layer some things together for really cool results. 

But as somewhere simpler to start, I like: 

  • A slack channel for every new question / topic to give you and others real-time visibility into activity. 
  • Custom slack alerts based on specific tags or keywords in the Title/body of a post. 
  • A notification for new user sign ups (shout out to @tiffany.oda for a medium post that inspired that one) -- I didn’t think I needed it, but the visibility is great. Plus it’s easy moderation of usernames. If you see every user name as it’s created, you can address any that might be inappropriate. Plus, as Tiffany put in her blog post, that alert is great for stakeholder management and engaging the team: each new sign-up is a win you can celebrate or anecdote you can reference (I’ve been seeing a lot of sign ups from company abc lately)

More complex stuff I’ve started doing: 

  • New topics + delay + api call to check replies + slack post = escalation for moderators/experts to address questions that the community didn’t get to
  • A much more complicated version of that: 
  • And not sure I have a post on it, but our gamification strategy often awards points and badges for certain activities (speaking on a webinar). So I have a few zaps based on a google sheet that makes this easy: 
    • Add their email and select their activity
    • API finds their user ID based on email
    • Award points action
    • Award the badge action


And my latest: 


Badge +1

My piece of advice here is to work backwards from the thing you wish you had. Zapier is great at extending Insided functionality and customizing alerts (especially with Slack) to your needs/interests. 

The reason my advice is to work backwards is there’s a lot more you can do with Zapier that isn’t obvious with the existing Triggers and actions. You can automate just about anything in the Insided API using Zapier.

Very well said @DannyPancratz !
