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Hello community :) 


I realised there is this icon to let the community members know about a specific announcement: 


Is there an easy way to implement this in my community too? 😬 Thank you! 

Yup! There certainly is.

That particular one is for Atlassian Statuspage, which I managed to dig up an article from Cristina.

It’s ideal if you’re already using Statuspage and want to bring the alerts into inSided as well. The really cool trick that I’ve also noticed, is that it only shows up when there’s an active incident. At all other times, the embed silently disappears into the shadows.

It’s primarily a paid service on their end however, so you might want to check the details first. If you’ve already got it active, setting it up for your community should take roughly five or ten minutes. :sunglasses:

Don’t forget to test it out on staging first!

That's awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this, @Blastoise186 :hugging:

No worries :)

The only thing I’m not sure about, is how the embed would handle multiple active incidents at the same time. Such as if you’ve got a platform outage alert and an in-progress maintenance alert live at once. Having just attempted to trigger the test mechanism here with that spam filter alert still live, simply caused the existing alert to re-appear rather than bringing up the test message.

My guess therefore, is whichever incident is more severe is the one that takes priority when the embed is activated. And if I understand that correctly, Statuspage goes off the order Major Outage > Partial Outage > Degraded Performance > Under Maintenance > Operational by default and the embed will show up for all of them except Operational.

Don’t forget to close out Incidents once they’re resolved too! Otherwise the embed will be stuck indefinitely.

Hi all. We added the script yesterday and almost simultaneously our custom design was wiped out. Do you know if this element can interfere with custom design elements? 


Hiya @Gabolino !

Whoops, that’s probably not what you’re after. I know the embed does a great job of going into stealth mode… But I’m guessing you probably don’t want absolutely everything else getting splashed with invisible paint as well?

Could you share the code snippets you’ve set and someone here might be able to figure it out (the Code widget in the editor is great for this!). It might be an easy fix, or it might need a detective...
