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We have archive category and because it has lots of content search displays many times content from archive first and newest content is in the bottom.

I know we can hide archive from search but I dont want to hide totally, I want that search displays newest content first.

Is there way to adjust search in that way?

Morning @revote 

If I understand correctly, you want to make “archived” topics return lower down the list of results.???


Right now the ability to modify the scope / ranking of the search is not something we offer.

I do not find any specific idea around result ranking control. Maybe you can add it and we start to get feedback from the rest of the community.


If I understand correctly, you want to make “archived” topics return lower down the list of results.???

Yes, exactly.


I do not find any specific idea around result ranking control. Maybe you can add it and we start to get feedback from the rest of the community.

Okay, I will.

