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Hi! I have the zapier integration setup, which basically fires off a zap to slack every time a new conversations / question / article is published. We use it to share with customers so they know conversations that are happening live (vs. remembering to have to check our community).

I noticed when I created a conversation within a private group though, it fired off a zap. Is there anyway with this integration or configuration to limit to ONLY public facing (not for private group) convos / questions?

Hi @ChristineTT 👋,

I’m wondering if you can set up some an extra step in your zap so that the message only gets sent to the slack channel under more specific conditions, for instance in certain categories or for certain content types. You could do this by using the Filter by Zapier App and adding certain conditions. For instance, the screenshot below displays an example that filters on Category IDs:


You can also reverse this to ‘only continue if...’ the topic URL / category ID (whichever you use to identify the Group) does not match / contain these parameters.

Let me know if this helps what you are trying to achieve here 😁

Oh interesting - super helpful to explore!!! I’m hoping to exclude for groups in particular. I think I could do this by URL (exclude for all URLs that are part of groups) - or do you think another field would be best to exclude for all groups? I see a handful of content / category ID fields that I’m not exactly sure where they map to? 

And thank you again for the help here - this is super helpful!
