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I've been working with a customer on doing a bit of post-account merge cleanup and had an observation/question regarding MDA info, most specifically the Activity History table.

Currently, if we have to merge two records into one account, the data stored in the MDA tables does not reflect this change.

The immediate issue that we're seeing because of this is that Activity History does not get transferred, so if you merge the more active of the the two records into a "less-active" record, your Activity History has to be tracked down and then recreated manually.

Luckily, for the particular use case I'm involved with, it's only about 3 records, however I could see this being a pretty big headache if two accounts with a lot of activity history associated were merged.

My ending question is, is there a better way to clean this up besides manually copy/pasting to recreate the activity history, and is there any plan to have Activity History tables respect account merges?


What do you mean by Activity History?  Timeline activities stored in MDA?
