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Backfill Newly Mapped PX Feature Usage Data into CS

  • 4 December 2023
  • 0 replies

Gainsight PX allows you to map a new feature and then immediately see the historical usage data for that feature. If you have the PX>CS integration set up via Adoption Explorer, usage for this newly mapped feature will automatically start flowing into Gainsight CS. But in order to bring in the usage data for the time period prior to mapping the feature, you will need to take a couple steps in Adoption Explorer.

While in the project viewing the logs, you can select the Get Historical Data button.

First you’ll need to Run a PX backfill. This step triggers PX to generate new files containing the usage from the specified time period. Assuming this newly mapped feature has usage data for that time period, that data will be included in the newly generated files.

You’ll have a few choices next!

You can choose to run this either within a specific date range, or for a past number of days. We recommend selecting a date range of 180 days or less.

You can choose to run the jobs automatically or manually after the new files are received from PX.

  • By choosing automatically, the jobs to ingest the data will run automatically after the new files are received from PX. This saves you a second step.
  • By choosing manually, the jobs will not run automatically. You will need to come back and run those dates for either All Objects or Selective Objects. You might choose this option because:
    • You don’t want these jobs to run during the regularly scheduled daily run. The backfill jobs could delay your daily ingest from running. (See note about timing below.) If you have dependent Rules that run after the daily ingest is scheduled to complete, this could be a concern for your organization.
    • When you run the backfill for the historical time period on All Objects, the Person Information object will be updated. This includes fields such as Last Seen Date. If you were to run a backfill job from a month ago, the Last Seen Date on a particular user might be updated to that timeframe. This might be a concern for your organization if this field is used in Rules or Scorecards. To avoid this, you can either:
      • Choose the Selective Objects option and select Person Time Series OR
      • Choose All Objects, but once it’s finished you re-run the most recent file to repopulate the correct Last Seen Date.

If you chose the “Run jobs after the Gainsight PX backfill is completed manually” option, you will need to manually choose to ingest the files against All Objects or Selective Objects as I described above.

If you chose the “Run jobs after the Gainsight PX backfill is completed automatically” option, there are no other steps needed.

Should you do a Test Run?

You also have the option to perform a Test Run prior to actually ingesting the data. To perform a Test Run of the backfilled data, you would select a short timeframe such as a week when performing the PX Backfill step. You would want to choose the “Run jobs after the Gainsight PX backfill is completed manually” option. Once the files are ready, you can manually run them while selecting the Test Run checkbox. Once the process is complete, you can review the logs and compare it to PX to ensure that the data you expect is included. If everything looks as you expected, you can repeat the process for the full time period without checking the Test Run checkbox.

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