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Can you put a survey into a email assist task?
Yes.  Including a survey in Email Assist was part our summer release.  Note that this refers to including a survey link in Email Assist.  In-email surveys (where the first question is shown in the email itself) is not yet part of Email Assist. 
Hi Ky - this article has details on using an email template with a survey as part of an email assist task:
Thanks Dan. This article tells me alot about the email assist side of it, but where I am unclear is how to set-up the survey appropriately based on the fact that I am going to put this in email assist and then how to set that up in the email template itself. Is there a good article on this?
Hi Ky,

Glad to help. :)

This article outlines it, but it's basically these steps:

  1. Create a survey and configure the survey to send via CoPilot

  2. Create an email template (or modify existing) to include a link to the survey (also can pre-configure the language)

  3. Send Survey through Email task (see 4th bullet point under this section of v5.9 release notes)

Let us know how you make out!
I have a follow up question on this topic.

I am attempting to use a 3rd party survey URL in an email assist template.  Part of this survey URL has tokens that we map from SFDC for Account ID and Contact ID.

When I try to send the email assist with a test account, I receive an error that: 

"Following Token(s) mapping is not available. Replace these tokens with plain text or contact administrator. 



Is there a system limitation where that I cannot use a dynamic URL in email assists? Or is this a configuration issue?

Hi Scott,

May i know how are you using the tokens, a screenshot would help.


Hi Hitesh,

This was found to be a bug.  I'm told a hotfix will be going into prod 12/12/17 to resolve. 
Thanks all. This is great info!

Any timeline on getting in-line survey questions for Email Assist?

Our use case is that we have a global survey translated into 5 languages. However, I don't fully trust our data surrounding a customer's language preference. I fear that an English speaking customer located in China may receive a Chinese version of our email. Thus, I want to be able to resend one-offs to the survey in English, but keep our in-line survey question. 

I recently deployed new email assists for updated playbooks and one included a mapped survey. The survey token works for me, but now the CSM’s are reporting when they validate the email they receive a message saying the survey token mapping is not available contact administrator. What could be causing this for CSM’s? I verified it is working as should for myself. Do I need to update survey permissions possibly?

@haleylund Yep!  Survey permissions.  You’ll have to give them permissions to distribute the survey under the Permissions tab in the survey, and also, make sure they have Survey permissions as well under the Permissions section in Admin I believe.

Permissions was this issue. Thank you for the response @heather_hansen !
