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My team and I are currently looking for a workaround of this request that checks off all our objectives. This matter is urgent but not that of a system breakdown. We just need guidance on how to achieve this. 



I believe what you are trying to seek out is a workflow where a CTA is triggered for Companies for whom a specific measure’s value has dropped in the last N Days. I am assuming you have a Playbook workflow in place and you are only looking for how to achieve this technically. This could be achieved through Rules Engine. 

In Rules Engine, you would have to fetch the following fields from ‘Unified Scorecard Fact - Company’ Object - 

  • Measure Id → Name
  • Current Score Id → Label
  • Company Id → GSID
  • Company Id → Name
  • Company Id → CSM → Name
  • Company Id → CSM → GSID
  • Any other field that you deem fit according to the use case, to be added into the comment section. 
  1. Measure Id → Name - should also be used in Filter to specify the measure for which you are intending to create CTAs for. 
  2. Current Score Id → Label - should also be used in Filter to specify what the Label (Green, Yellow, Red or the format that is in place in your instance) should be for a CTA to be created. 
  3. Modified Date - Greater than or equal to Last N Days.

Once you have this ready, you may go ahead and configure the ‘Setup Action’ and use ‘Call to Action’ for creating CTAs. You must use Company Id → GSID in place for company identifier; Company Id → CSM → GSID for Owner Field. The remaining attributes (Playbook, Type, Priority, Due Date) can be configured according to the workflow that you have in place. 


Hope this helps. 
