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Not sure if it has always been this way, but there is no drop down indicator on the dashboards page.  Unless your in GS every day - which most execs and other senior stakeholders are not - there's no visual indication there are more than one dashboard.

I had to double check - because I remember there being an indicator arrow there by default.  Now it's not appearing until you hover your mouse over the Dashboard name.  Having the indicator arrow again would be awesome - especially since as Tyler said, it's what lets people know there is more than one Dashboard available. [Good find Tyler!]
Hi Tyler,

Thanks for posting, discussion are going-on internally on the same issue. Will update you here once we consider this for release.
Hi Tyler,

We were looking for ways to accommodate longer dashboard names and while doing that, initially, we were unable to accommodate the drop down indicator. 

We now have enhanced the component to show both longer dashboard names and the drop down indicator. 
