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Hello Team

We have a report in a dashboard that already has a condition

A AND B AND (C OR D) set by admin

Dynamically when I try to add a new condition I would want it to be a OR Condition but by default it takes AND Condition because of which it becomes

A AND B AND (C OR D) AND E but in my case C D and E are all same fields so it wouldnt ever

give any records.
Hi Jahnavi,

I reached out to our Support team to help investigate. Thanks for reporting the issue!
This looks like a good product enhancement request for our reporting team. Here's a screen shot of what Jahnavi is describing. 

In this example there is an admin set filter on this report containing options A through M with many of them set as OR conditions for the various assignees. If I wanted to add my name to that filter as another optional assignee, the only logic choice I am given is AND, which would break the results of the report. 
I know Jahnavi has been in touch with support, but wanted to share some of the details they shared here:

The reports that are created in report builder are considered the primary reports built by the Admin for a dashboard. In Gainsight Dashboards, we use the report as the source, so any changes made to the report will be considered a subset of the primary report.

For example, here we have a report extracting the customers under CSM A(A) and Under CSM B(B) and who are above 100$ ARR (C). So, in the report Filters will be A and B and C.

Now you have added this report onto a dashboard. 

Scenario why we are avoiding this:

So if you want to display for the customers which have ARR less than 100$ too then you have to add this filter only in report builder because there are no records that are less than 100$ in the report that is brought into the dashboard. So if we have an option to use OR operator then it will be like A and B and C OR D which overrides the existing filter. To prevent this scenario, we are not supporting usage of OR on the report filters.

If this is needed, we can build the report with A and B and (C OR D) in report builder. Now you can add this to the dashboard and now you can apply the filters as needed.

Scenario where we can use:

We can use this where we need the subset of the actual report. 

Now we have the report with customers under CSM A(A) and Under CSM B(B) and who are above 100$ ARR (C). And the manager has built the report to see all of the customers under both the CSM's. 

Now for those two CSM's two of them have different requirements: 

One CSM wants it to be filtered by the ARR greater than 1000$(D) as he wants to concentrate on most paid ones (Premier) in the countries of USA(E) and INDIA(F). 

The other CSM wants to concentrate on the customers who has low scores(At Risk level).

So, one can apply the filter ARR > 1000$ (D) -> A and B and C and ( D and (E or F)).

The other can apply the filter as Score = Red -> A and B and C and D.

The above scenarios are just examples to give an idea on why we are not changing the admin report when they are used in dashboards. Hope this helps you, let me know if you still have any more questions on this.
The request is not to change the admin filters but if the CSM is adding a new filter they should have the ability to add AND or OR
Hi Jahnavi,

Among the filters that CSM's add, they do have a free reign (ability to add AND, OR) over advanced logic. But their combination with admin filters is always AND. PFA pic attached.  

As Lila mentioned, CSM's can only view a subset of data from the primary report created by admin. They cannot view more than the data from the primary report. 
Hi Jahnavi, hope this is solved and closing the post.
