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Has anyone found a good solution around customers not downloading images, thus eliminating the ability to see if they opened the email?


Problem: we are sending a notification about renewal to a customer, and want to send a followup if they have not opened the email. We are finding that even some folks who are replying, are then getting the followups, likely due to not downloading images.


Solution: Reply tracking (not yet supported)

Where are they replying to? If it is to the CSM directly, then some sort of manual logging back to the Company or Opportunity record could be used as part of the Conditional Wait -- a checkbox on the Opportunity for example. If there is a generic inbox that replies are filtering to then there could be ways to have that logging automated but that could lead to false positives (e.g. out of office replies would be treated like a human reply).

Where are they replying to? If it is to the CSM directly, then some sort of manual logging back to the Company or Opportunity record could be used as part of the Conditional Wait -- a checkbox on the Opportunity for example. If there is a generic inbox that replies are filtering to then there could be ways to have that logging automated but that could lead to false positives (e.g. out of office replies would be treated like a human reply).

This is a good idea for this use case.


For other use cases, many “reply” boxes that are changing for each program, could be unmanageable, but for limited and higher value programs this is a great solve.


Thank you
