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One of requirements for a specific team CSMs is to have a strategic business plan in place for each customer. These plans are tracked via Success Plans and are called JBP. 

Is is possible for this to be a part of a healthscore (scorecard 2.0) i.e. track whether there is a success plan present in C360 (it must be set to active and Success plan Type = JBP)? the logic here is that if no JBP plan is found, then Healthscore will be reduced to zero. If plan is present then HS = 100. 


Can his be achieved?


Hi Katerina,

I think there's 3 different approaches you could take.

Approach 1: Create a Rule that loads to JBP Scorecard if a JBP is present, and schedule it to run daily. Since Scorecards default to NA, the Scorecard will never get loaded and will remain NA for accounts with no JBP. Problem: If JBPs get deleted or set to inactive, the Scorecard won't go back to NA.

Approach 2: To avoid the problem from Approach 1, make a Rule that resets the JBP Scorecard to NA. Make a Rule Chain and add it as the first rule, and the Rule from Approach 1 as the second rule. Then Schedule that to run daily.

Approach 3: Build a rule and use the Absence of Data toggle in Rules Engine (link to documentation at bottom). Set your filters to capture your JBPs and set the JBP to 100 for when there's data, and set it to NA when there's an absence of data.

Approach number 3 is cleanest, in my opinion. Approach 2 would be a great fallback if you run into problems.

"Data is Unavailable" toggle:  
Thanks Will - much appreciate the detail reply! I will give option 3 a go!
I've set this up using Option 3 and it's working brilliantly. Many thanks Will
