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I am trying to create a report (through Data Designer) that, depending on the date of the last event (pulled from salesforce object) will give a boolean answer if it was within x months or not!


I have most of it all worked out but my problem is, sometimes there are multiple events under the same name - but they happened at different dates and i was just wondering if there is a way within Data Designer to always only pull the most recent incident rather?


Help Always Appreciated :) 

Good news @hunterjoseph12 ...this is very doable in Data Designer. I’ve done exactly this.

Tactically, I do this using steps like this:

  1. Fetch all the possible records in scope.
  2. Create a Transform step, where you group records by Company and then also take the MAX Activity Date. (if the goal is most recent Timeline entry for each of your customers, in your example). Don’t pull in any other fields in this Transform step.
  3. Create a Merge (with a common, inner join) where you merge the Fetch in Step 1 with the Transform in Step 2.
  4. Now you’ll have a dataset that includes only the record with the most recent (ie, the MAX) Activity Date for each Company, and you’ll also have all its metadata like Author, Type, Subject, Description, etc.
  5. You can further Transform this, using your example, to mark if records fit certain criteria. You might create a new field with a CASE statement: If Activity Date within the last x months, then TRUE, else FALSE.

I’m attaching an image. Pay less attention to the specific names (I had a slight different use case when I built this Data Designer), but more attention to the shape and steps that will get you to your goal.


You’ll get a DD shape where you pull data, transform it, then merge it back onto itself. Try it, and good luck!



Hey Matthew,


This has helped a ton! I am still having a few questions on my end when doing this though! 

So i did the transform where the only fields i have are the Clients Name (rather than company as this i am looking for most recent meeting with each person) and the Max Activity Date - preview of that data set is showing just a single instance as it should -, and when i merged it back into that first fetch field all the clients are duplicated - same Activity but just has two rows of same information, any idea why that would be occuring? 

We’re getting there, @hunterjoseph12 .

Hard to know exactly what’s happening without seeing your data, but…

If you’re trying to find individual people, and some meetings have more than 1 external attendee, I could see where Gainsight would duplicate the Timeline Entry for each attendee.

Also in your merge, be sure you’re merging on all the fields in your Transform, and you’re configuring a Common (inner) join.

hmm hard when its working with client data right ! 

did the steps as you stated and still is duplicating the rows - weird! ill try some things to see if i can iron this out but i appreciate you getting me about 90% of the way there! 

One more idea...then let’s do the weekend.

Because it sounds like your focus is on individuals, you might start--if you haven’t already--with the Activity Attendee object, where you could then reach the Activity Timeline records and the Person records via Lookup. In your Transform, group by the Person ID (or Person Email, which I like less because I try to stick with IDs in these scenarios) and take a MAX of the Activity Timeline. Then merge back with the Activity Attendee object, and see what you get.

What an amazing discussion! ⭐️

Thank you for jumping in to help out @matthew_lind

Moved this to a more suitable category.
