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I regularly report certain stats to our exec team using the Group By option combined with a Date field. I typically configure the date field to be Month, Quarter, or Year. This is super convenient and makes life easy!

However, I am having trouble recreating that when reporting on the AO Participants object. I think this has to do with it being MDA rather than SFDC data.

Why does that matter?

Is there another way to provide a date grouping in that manner for MDA objects like AO Participants?

Here is a screenshot of what I am facing. Obviously, I'd rather the dates be grouped by month.

Hi Ben,

Date grouping/summarization in MDA is currently available only for custom objects. However this is quickly changing as we already worked on supporting it (daily, weekly, monthly, year etc grouping on date columns) for standard and application objects also. This enhancement should be available by Aug' 18. Will update again if there is any change in that plan.


Yay! That’s great Venky. It will be so helpful!
It appears that this is still not available today, can anyone confirm? Is there a work-around so I can show the open rate for a specific program(s) by month not just a general grouping?
