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1. With the new UI, since you can only see 1 section at a time, that is a huge concern for us (Cisco), we need to be able to see MDA usage reports alongwith the scorecard on both R360 and C360 Views.

2. Summary Section should always be there no matter what, it is the crux of the entire account.
Thanks for the feedback, Sanaa!

On #1, we are re-introducing scrolling in the next (August 25th) release. It'll be available as a toggle for now, so that you as an individual can decide whether you want continuous scrolling, or the precision of always getting to the section you click on. We are of course working towards a solution that gives you both.

On #2, interesting comment on how the Summary section should behave. This is something we are also mulling over internally, as we are looking into introducing a new header design for all 360 views (to lend these pages more personality). The Summary section today obviously is not light enough to retain always, but perhaps we can build something into the header that's even more bubbled up. I'd be interested in learning what kinds of things you'd want to see this way, always available at the top (can connect here or directly at
