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As of now Activities appear on Timeline in order they were created. Do we see anything in the future where you can filter by date?
Thanks for posting, Michael. We currently order all activities by 'Activity Date' so that you get a sense of how things progressed over time. Are you looking to filter on the same date or also on the 'Created Date' that may or may not map to when something actually happened? More broadly, would love to hear what kinds of filters you and your team would benefit from -- we can prioritize and deliver accordingly. 
When speaking with a customer today they brought up the question, "Is it possible to change a setting so the order of the notes we add to the Timeline is determined by the date of the action itself. And not by the time the CSM adds it to the Timeline?"
The order is already based on when an activity happened, i.e., the Activity Date. I think there might be some confusion here because we show all new activities at the top (with the 'New' tag) to make sure CSMs know that everything was logged properly. But as soon as you refresh, these activities should move down automatically.
Thanks Manu. I see that now and I will follow up with the customer to make sure I understood the concern but I think this will clear things up.
Thanks Michael and Manu - I did a test and this is indeed the case. I think there was just confusion because the new timeline activity stayed on top when adding it. I now see this is very clear with the "New" tag. 

Thanks again!
I would recommend making it refresh by default. It's not intuitive.   I thought GS didn't support Sorting until I saw this post.

