- Delay in updating/adding contacts in Salesforce to create new records in the Person object:
- Currently, we have a rule set up to pull in new/updated contacts from Salesforce into the Person object
- We have it running at the highest frequency according to the Rule Scheduling documentation, which is every 2 hours
- This is fine for most rules, but it becomes problematic when we're trying to update or add contacts into Salesforce so that we can use them immediately in People Maps or to map Timeline entries to a specific contact
- Main ask: Is there any possibility for rule scheduling to be expanded beyond the current 2 hour limitation? I'm also open to any ideas on how to overcome this limiation in the short-run!
- People Maps requires a contact to exist in Person object, which requires "Email" as an identifier:
- For the purpose of People Maps specifcially, having Email be a required field in the Person object will likely prove to be a blocker for us to get the full value out of the feature
- Context: We have contacts in Salesforce for which we don't yet have emails (e.g. people we've only heard of or spoken to on a call) but that we want to include in the People Map as we build out the org chart for a given account
- This is becomes an issue when we have created the contact in Salesforce without an email because it means that they won't get pulled into the Person object and won't be available in People Maps
- Main ask: For People Maps specifically, it would be helpful to be able to use "Placeholder" cards or to generally be able to use custom/"blank" cards that aren't necessarily tied to a Person record -- so that we are at least able to build out and fully visualize an account's org chart, even with limited access to the emails of people in that org
Thanks in advance for any assistance with this!