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We have noticed that the search field for relating Timeline Activities includes prospects, even though those aren't included in the main search bar:

This is making it difficult for our CSM's to choose the correct account when entering on Global Timeline.  

What is the source object for the search field in Global Timeline "Related To" field?
I have also noticed that the search field does not allow you to type in an apostrophe, which many of our clients have in their name, preventing us from finding the right client. 

In addition, only 15 results display, and since the results are crowded out by prospects and retired accounts, this means we can't always find the accounts we need. 
Thank you for reporting this, fix will be available soon.
Thanks! Please let me know when you have an ETA.
Hi Kate,

Fix is available in production. I have performed sanity and see that prospects are not showing up. Please check from your end and let us know.

Kind Regards

Yes, working better now - thanks team! Big win for our Timeline rollout :) 
HI Venkatesh - can you tell me the criteria for an account to show up in the search field?  The prospects are gone from the results BUT I am seeing an instance (below) where a Retired/Churned account is showing up:

Hi Kate Green,

The Related To search at Global Timeline is not same as Global Search, we show all the accounts which match the search text. Currently for Related To we have "starts with" criteria. 

Kind Reagards

Hi Venkatesh - is it possible to update the Related To field to use "contains" criteria, as opposed to "starts with" criteria?  We have some clients that have special characters in their name (like an oomlaut - [i]Coöperatieve)>i] which makes them difficult to search for and means you can't update activities for them in the Global Timeline.  If we could use "contains", we could just search for the end of the word and this account should show up.
