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Rules Engine: Auto Milestone on a closed CTA

  • 17 November 2015
  • 4 replies

I seem to have seen this mentioned in various articles and the community however cannot see any details on how to create one in the rules engine.

I am looking at creating milestones for CTA type: Objectives that get closed on the closed date its closed not the CTA due date.

Any idea how I can do that or any articles on how I can create this via the rules engine?


I think we can set milestones from rules - I'm doing this when things like projects close. In terms of date - this isn't configurable.

Hi Naquiyah and Daniel,

Thanks for your inputs.

We will provide the option to create milestones for CTA type: Objective in UI itself. 

Naquiyah - Do you want to create milestones for all objective or for some specific objectives? and do you want to create milestones while creating objectives too?



We run a rule to plant Milestones once CTAs of a certain variety are Closed. We use the Call To Action object. We input the filters to designate exactly which CTAs we want followed with a milestone once closed.

Then we use the action "Load to Milestone" and employ a Date > Show Field, selecting the Closed Date. I've illustrated below our action.

We run this rule weekly, and have advised our team that this milestone may take up to one week to appear, but that when it does appear it will be "backdated" to the Closed Date of the CTA. I suppose you could run it daily if getting the milestones in right away is vital.

Can anyone shed any light on how the closed date associated with the CTA is chosen? I'm wondering how Gainsight chooses the date to use for the milestone in a process that might involve many different CTAs?

Is it the CTA opened in the rule? Is it just the CTA associated with the most recent closed date in the CTA object?

I want to record a milestone for the close date of all my CTAs so I can measure how long it takes for them to be closed on average, and ensure that no double CTAs are opened as our customers move through our process. Any info out there about how the date is chosen?
