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Every text box within our instance of Gainsight has a gray background to it. When we click into the box to enter text that gray background begins to bounce around the screen, and it doesn't even stop when we click out of the box. We've seen this when entering rule descriptions, fields on CTA's, and even surveys we send to customers. This gets extremely distracting especially when we have multiple text fields to enter on the same screen and looks unprofessional to our clients. Does anyone else have this same issue?

It's your Grammarly extension.  We had a CSM experience the same issues and when she disabled that extension, things went back to normal.  
Thanks, Melissa!

 I'll see what I can do to disable that.
Hi Britton , 

Few Suggestions :

How to remove Grammarly on Mac: Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the Login Items tab. Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list. 

Uninstall Grammarly browser extension: To uninstall the Grammarly extension from Google Chrome, right-click on the "G" icon on the Chrome toolbar and select Remove from Chrome,Click Restart now if it pops up.
Hey all! I see that uninstalling Grammarly will resolve this issue, but... I use Grammarly ha-ha. Are there plans to resolve this issue?

I would contact Grammarly but Gainsight is the only site I have any issues with.
