
Unable to edit Reason via Mass Edit for some reasons

  • 13 November 2019
  • 7 replies

Hey all,
I’m trying to clean up some of the Reason options for our CTAs, and I’ve noticed that when I try to perform a mass edit Reason, it doesn’t work for all of our CTAs.

I’ve included entity type as a filter, to enable reason as an option, and some update as I’d like, but many do not.

Since there isn’t a proper error log for mass edits like there are for rules, I don’t really have much to go on. I don’t see any rhyme or reason to the ones being left out. There’s a variety of sources, types, and statuses.

Anyone have a thought on this, or a consideration I might have overlooked?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi Tyler,


Sorry you ran into this issue! Can you contact to help investigate?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@tyler_tew Is the issue solved or still existing? Please let us know if you need any help here and always welcome to ask.

I ended up contacting support not too long after I asked if this was an issue anyone else had encountered.


It’s been acknowledged as a bug. No ETA on a fix as of yet.

Also having this issue, is there still not an ETA?

Userlevel 2

@zoeyk Have you added CTA type as a filter in mass edit? Once CTA type is added, you should be able to edit Reason. We have this restriction in place because you can define different reasons for different CTA type. Thanks.

@sriram pasupathi  that did work! Thank you!!

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@zoeyk Glad to know that worked for you 🙂 Have a great one ahead! 
