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Sometimes, in the snapshot mode of the program journeys, I see an image of a person with a pulsing red circle. What does that mean and how long should it last? 


@talk2raquel Looks like it shows the participants that are currently at that step.  It stays there as long as they are in that step. For example, I have an email program with 2 emails and a CTA.  Just went out yesterday, and so I see all the participants that went through that first email.  Once they progress past that for a conditional wait or timer, they’ll move on to the next step.  So, in your screenshot, you have a group at that first step, and then another group that are going through that next step past the conditional wait. You can click it and see those participants too.

Is this a new feature Gainsight recently added? I haven’t noticed it before?

Not sure.  I don’t use snapshots that much, but I might start now!  

Snapshot mode view has been around a while - probably over 2 years at this point I think. 
