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When viewing the cockpit within a customers C360, how far back can you see closed CTA's? Is this adjustable? 
Hi Samantha,

We should 1000 open + 100 closed CTAs sorted by due date.


Thank Nitisha! 

As we continue to use Gainsight, it may be helpful to be able to apply filters to the C360 view of Cockpit. Filters such as CTA type and time frame would help narrow down. 
Hey Samantha. Are you asking for that feature to help manage the number of currently open CTAs for a specific customer (as viewed in the C360), or to filter historical (closed) CTAs?
Largely to view historical CTA's. When accounts move to a new CSM, they often review the closed CTA's to understand how the account has been historically. We also have CTA's that include notes from business reviews and attachments (prior to Timeline) that are helpful to review. 
