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We want to make sure we don’t send too many NPS surveys to customers, so we need to determine who has received a survey email in the last 90 days. NPS Survey Response only tracks responses, we need to know when someone received an email with a survey regardless if they took the survey

@andreammelde There should be a field on the AO Participants object.  I have a Survey Responded (Y/N) and a Survey Responded Date that I’m using.

@heather_hansen  thank you! Does this object do one record per Person ID or multiple records if they are a participant in multiple programs?

@andreammelde multiple entries per program.  There is an Advanced Outreach ID that I use to narrow down to the specific one I want.

@heather_hansen thank you! i grouped by the person ID to get the count of NPS surveys sent, left merged to our participant list where person ID = person ID, added transform to make nulls = 0. 


We can then use this count field where Count of NPS Delivered in Last 90 Days <=2 to stay in our compliance
